Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Apple Cinnamon cake with Nuts

I still remember my mom making cake on weekends when we were kids. She being a working mom was not much passionate about cooking. I really understand with three school going kids it is tough for her to manage everything. But still she wants to make something different for us and dad on weekends. So she makes our favorite simple egg cake for us because she knows that is our favorite of all the sweets. I have edited her recipe with Apple and nuts and every time I make any kind of cake it reminds me of my childhood with my brother and sister waiting for that mom’s cake to be ready to eat.

Apple – 3 (cut into small pieces)
All purpose flour - 3cup
Sugar – 1 1/4 cup (you can add more accoding to your taste)
Oil – 1 ½ cup
Egg - 3
Chopped cashews,almonds(I added dates as well) – 1 cup
Cinnamon powder – 2 tsp
Baking powder – 1 tsp
Salt – 1/2 tsp

Cooking Instructions: -

1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour a baking pan, set aside.
2) Take a bowl and sift together flour, cinnamon powder, baking powder, salt and set aside.
3) In a mixing bowl whisk together the vegetable oil, sugar, and eggs, mix on speed until lemon yellow.
4) Gradually add in the flour mix and mix until just incorporated.
5) Add apples, mixed nuts to the batter, mix to combine.
6) Pour batter into prepared pan, and bake until a tooth pick or a cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean (40-50 mins)
7) Remove from oven, and let it cool. Move it to a serving dish, slice it.
8) Apple cake is ready to serve.

Optional:- You can serve it with a dollop of whip cream just before you are ready to eat if desired


  1. another delicious cake with apple...have a look at my Apple event and you may link it up..participating in blogger events increases the visibility of your blog :-) thats something Ive learned from my experience

  2. @Ramya: Thanks Ramya, for letting me know about the event. I have added the apple cake with caramel topping link to your event..


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