Monday, February 2, 2009

Prawn Masala


Prawns/Shrimp – 1 lb
Onion finely chopped – 2
Tomato chopped – 1
Green chilly – 3
Chilly powder – 1½ tsp
Turmeric powder – 1tsp
Coriander powder – 1tsp
Pepper powder – 1 tsp
Garam Masala – 1 tsp
Ginger-garlic paste – 1 tsp
Oil – 3 tsp
Curry leaves – few
Coriander leaves -1 small bunch chopped
Salt to taste

Preparation Method:-

1) Clean the prawns and marinate with 1 tsp chilly pwdr, ½ tsp turmeric pwdr and 1 tsp salt for about 30 mins.
2) Heat oil in a pan, add chopped onion, salt few curry leaves and sauté for a while. When onion turns translucent, add green chilies and ginger-garlic paste and sauté well until the raw smell leaves. Add chopped tomatoes and sauté well until tomatoes are mashed up.
3) Add turmeric powder, chilly powder and saute for a minute till everything gets mixed well. Add the marinated shrimp and sauté for another two-three minutes. Add coriander powder and pepper powder and sauté well. Now add the garam masala pwdr and mix well and sauté for a while and simmer the flame to low-med.
4) Close the pan and let it cook for about 7-9 mins in low flame. Open the pan, prawns will be cooked well with nice aroma, red and juicy. If you want to reduce the gravy, cook it lid open on medium flame again for about 3-5 min and keep stirring so that it doesn’t stick on to the bottom of the pan.
5) Now add some chopped coriander leaves and stir well and keep some for garnishing.
6) Remove from flame and move into a serving bowl. Garnish with chopped coriander leaves and is ready to serve with rice, roti or naan.


  1. Shrimp masala looks so delicious...did u use homemade garam masala or readymade powder..if its homemade pls share the method to make homemade garam masala...

  2. @Shifali :- Thanks Dear :)

    @Anonymous:- I have used homemade garam masala and if I'm out of homemade one, I use eastern garam masala. I will try to post the making of homemade garam masala soon...


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