Thursday, April 28, 2011

Parippu Pradaman

Ingredients: -

Moong Dal/Cherupayar Parippu – 2 cups
Jaggery syrup- 2 cup(Boiled with 2tbsp of water and strained of impurities)
Thick coconut milk -1 cup
Thin coconut milk -2 cups
Cardamom pods -3(crush with pestle in a mortar)
Salt – a pinch
Water 4 cups
Ghee - 2tsp
Coconut pieces - 2tsp
Raisins and cashews – a handful
Preparation Method:-

  • Wash the moong and drain of the water completely.
  • Dry roast the moong till crisp and press cook with enough water for 6-7 whistles(keep the flame to medium after the first whistle)
  • One the cooker looses the pressure and becomes cool, open the cookr and stir well to mash the moong.
  • Add the jaggery and stir continuosly for 4-5 minutes in medium flame so that moong absorbs sweetness from the jaggery. 
  • Add the thin coconut milk and stir continuously for 5-10 mins till it start thickening.
  • Add the thick coconut milk and keep stiring for few more minutes.
  • Add in cardamom powder, salt and mix well. Remove from the flame
  • Heat up a smaal pan, pour ghee into it add raisins, cashews and coconut pieces fry for a minute till everything turns light brown.
  • Add this to the pradaman along with the ghee.
  • Move to a serving dish. Serve warm.  

Note:- I love it being served after being refrigerated for sometime.

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