Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tofu Paratha

Recipe for scrambled tofu:-

Firm Tofu Firm- 12 oz(break the tofu with clean hands and crush it)
Onion finely chopped - 1 medium size
Green chilly- 4 chopped
Ginger-1 small piece finely chopped
oil-1 tsp
mustard seeds - 1tsp
coriander leaves- few finely chopped
turmeric - 1/4 tsp
salt to taste

Tofu scramble:-
Heat a frying pan, crackle mustard seeds in oil, add onion, salt, green chilly and ginger.
Saute well till onion is light brown, add turmeric powder, salt and saute. Add the broken tofu, mix well and adjust the salt. Add the chopped coriander leaves, mix well and set aside.

Tofu Scramble

Paratha:- Make the chappathi dough, make few balls out of it. Roll it into smoll roti as if for poori, add a spoon of scrambled tofu filling, close it.

Roll into into paratha, the normal way as for normal roti. Just have to be gentle not to break the roti.

Cook it on tawa on medium flame, turn upside down apply a bit ghee on both sides(optional). Serve hot with Yogurt and hot pickle

Note:-I have made it by making tofu filling, some of my friends mix tofu and other ingredients together with the chappathi powder and make a dough which makes the process easy. you can make it that way if u do not have enough time. But the cooked tofu filled Parathas always tastes better.

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