Sunday, May 15, 2011

Jeera Rice/Cumin Rice

I'm an early morning person as my hubby leaves for office at around 6 in the morning. I pack him breakfast and lunch in my half sleep every morning. So there are some days in those mornings, I will be in deep sleep and wake up late in a shock thinking what to pack for his lunch. So on one of these morning I was just browsing my fridge in my lost sleep and noticed I have some left over rice from the day before and thought of preparing Jeera rice. I just made the seasoning with Jeera and other spices and added rice to it and made quick Jeera rice. At noon my husband calls me and asks me 'what kind of rice is this? '. I was bit nervous about my ezee-lazy preparation in the morning but says calmly 'it is Jeera rice, why? you didn't like it'. And then he says,'no,it is good. just that when I microwaved, it smelled so good, my colleagues were asking me what did you get for lunch'. I must say I was so much relieved of his answer and then I started making it more often since I noticed my kids also loved it. So here is my version of Jeera rice. Enjoy the taste of effortless cooking :)


Basmathi Rice - 1 cup
water - 2 cups
salt-1 tbsp
Olive oil- 2 tbsp(or any cooking oil)
Curry leaves few
Cumin/Jeera - 1 tsp
Bay leaves - 1 medium size(you can use other whole spices as well)

Preparation Method:-

Wash and drain the rice. Heat up a pan, keep in medium heat and pour oil into it, add jeera and bay laves and saute till jeera crackles. Add curry leaves, water and salt and bring to boil. Add Rice and stir well till the bottom of the pan. Once the rice and water start to boil reduce to med flame, close the lid and let it cook. Switch off when the water is fully absorbed and rice becomes soft. Serve warm with raita/chutney/pickle or any curry of your choice

1) You can make it with left over rice as well and it tastes good too, I prefer par-boiled rice over basmathi rice if I use leftover rice.
2) You can add more whole spices like cinnamon stick, cloves and cardamon along with bay leaves for flavorful rice.
This is one of the most flavorful rice that can be eaten with any veg/non-veg dishes or even simply with yogurt and any kind of pickle.

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