Saturday, June 4, 2011

Spinach Pakoda

It was a rainy Sunday, my husband and kids were taking a nap after lunch and I was sitting and browsing. I knew my hubby will not sleep more than an hour and he will start asking for Tea from the bed itself. Such a rainy day 'Chai' really needs some pakodas to munch and I didn't have anything preplanned. I had some spinach in the fridge and thought of making the normal spinach pakodas that i make, but was being lazy to finely chop everything, mix and fry it. I came across this recipe of Spinach pakoda where you don't have to chop the spinach and so easy to make it and I wondered why didn't this way of making pakoda strike my mind before.

  1. Spinach - 1/2 lbs
  2. Besan flour - 1/2 cup
  3. Corn flour - 1tbsp
  4. Salt - 1 tbsp
  5. Pepper pdr - 1 tsp
  6. Cumin pdr- 1/2 tsp
  7. Chilly pdr - 1tsp
  8. Asefoetida - a pinch
  9. Water- 1/2 cup
  10. Oil as needed to deep fry
Preparation Method:-
  • Wash and pat dry the spinach leaves well and keep aside.
  • Mix besan flour and rest of the ingredients in water and make a batter, batter should be thin.
  • Heat a kadai in medium heat and pour the oil. To check for the correct heat of the oil, put a drop of batter in the oil and if it comes up right away without changing color your oil is hot enough.
  • Dip spinach leaf in the batter one at a time and slowly drop it in the oil.
  • Fry for 2-3 mins and turn it upside down. Remove it from the oil when the spinach turns golden brown color on both sides.
  • Repeat the process for the rest of the spinach leaves.
Be careful not to overheat and burn the spinach. Stove should always be in medium heat.

Recipe courtesy- Manjula's kitchen...

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