Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Apple-Nuts cake with caramel topping


All purpose flour - 2 cups
Baking Pdr - 1 tsp
Salt - a pinch
Cinnamon pdr - 2 tsp
Oil - 1 cup
Butter - 1/2 cup
Eggs- 2 large
Sugar - 1 1/2 cups
Organic Apple - 2 Med size(chopped into small cubes)
Chopped Nuts - 1 cup( i used chopped cashews and Almonds)
Pure Vanilla Extract - 1 tsp

Preparation Method:-

1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour a baking pan, set aside.
2) Take a bowl and sift together flour, cinnamon powder, baking powder, salt and set aside.
3) In a mixing bowl whisk together the vegetable oil, butter, sugar, and eggs till lemon yellow.
4) Gradually add in the flour mix and mix until just incorporated.
5) Add apples, mixed nuts to the batter, mix to combine.(u can add milk if the batter is thick)
6) Pour batter into prepared pan, and bake until a tooth pick or a cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean (40-50 mins)


7) Remove from oven, and move to a cooling rack. Pierce all over the cake gently with a fork. Pour hot Caramel(Recipe follows) over the cake and top it with slices of Apple.
8) Serve warm or at room temperature.

For Caramel Topping:-

4 tbsp light brown sugar
1/4 cup skim milk(u can use any milk)
1/4 cup butter
1 tsp vanilla extract

In a pan add brown sugar, milk and butter and bring into boil by stirring in med flame. Stir for 3-4 mins till it become little thick like a syrup. Switch off the flame and add vanilla and mix well. Pour over the cake...


  1. cake looks very yummy. i have an ongoing event on my blog. Would you like to send this entry..Visit the page for the details

  2. I've added this link to your event. I have apple crisp recipe in my draft from a long time, will try to complete it and add that too. Thanks a lot for letting me know about the event!!!

  3. thanks for linking dear..more recipes are welcome. Please mention in your post that you are linking to my event and redirect to my event announcement.

  4. prathibha, please collect participation award from my blog


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