Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Butter Almond Cookie

Cookies are kids all time favourite. My son often ask me 'Amma, what are you gonna make for me today??? Can you make me some cookies or may be some cupcakes Ammaaa '. And every time my answer is 'no dear'. As every mom I have been trying to build some healthy eating habits in my children. Trying to make them eat more veggies, fruits, dairy products, fish, eggs, less meat and carbohydrates so and so and so...

But then sometimes I think, even we grown ups make reasons while eating some of the unhealthy food may be like cookies, cakes or any extra calorie food at home, work or at any party. Then why don't kids have some fun in eating those freshly baked yummy cookies rather than the store bought snacks. So when my son insisted I thought of baking some Almond cookies and the result came out be nice soft, cream colored yummy cookies. Friends, try to bake them at home and I'm sure you will stop picking cookies from the stores.
Following is my version of Almond cookies which I have adapted from Pillsbury.


All purpose flour - 1 1/2 cup
Butter - 1/2 cup
Baking soda - 1 tsp
Salt - a pinch
Sugar - 3/4 cup
Egg - 1
Almond extract -  1 tsp
Almonds - 15(or as required for the number of cookies you are gonna bake)

Preparation Method :-

  • Pre-heat the oven to 350 degree F.
  • Sift together flour, baking soda, salt. Set aside.
  • Line a cookie sheet with a parchment paper and set aside.
  • In a large bowl beat togther sugar and butter till soft peaks form. Add the egg and beat again till creamy.
  • Add almond extract and mix. Add the flour mixture and mix well till it becomes a smooth dough (either do it with your hand or use dough hooks once you add the flour mixture and beat in medium speed)
  • Refridgerate for atleast 2 hours
  • Take out from the fridge and make small balls by rolling them under your palm.
  • Gently press one almond each on each dough balls and place it on the lined cookie sheet 2 inches apart.
  • Bake till done for 12-15 mins or till they are crispy outside and soft inside. Let it cool
  • Cookie stays fresh for a week in an air tight container kept outside.(If and only if you kids let it stay that long :-) )

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