Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dates Pradhaman/Payasam

The idea of making Dates Pradhaman or Dates Payasam came out just because I was trying to finish of the leftover dates. My kids do not like to eat dates for some reason and I end up making Dates log all the time. I thought of making something else other than logs and end up making this payasam as I knew my son would love to have payasam anytime. Now then when I made up my mind to make payasam I was still debating whether to make it with Jaggery-Coconut milk or Milk-Sugar. I'm sure every Keralite have these two ways of making payasams, that is either with coconut milk and jaggery called 'Pradhaman' or Milk and Sugar called 'Payasam'. At the end Coconut milk-Jaggery mix won the debate since Pradhaman is my hubby and kids all time favorite. Try out this awesome payasam for this Onam and I'm sure you all will love it. Enjoy!!!!


Dates de-seeded and chopped - 2 cups
Ghee - 2 tbsp + 2 tbsp
Jaggery - 1/2 cup(boil by adding 2 tbsp of water and strain of the impurities)
Coconut milk thiick - 1 cup
Coconut milk thin - 1 1/2 cup
Cashews few
Raisins few
Cardamom powder - 2 tsp
water - 1 cup

Preparation Method:-
  • Soak the dates in water for 10 mins. Strain off the water to another vessel and keep aside for later use.
  • Heat up a thick bottom pan with wide mouth(uruli preferably) and add 2 tsp ghee. Keep the flame in medium heat and saute the chopped dates for say 2-3 minutes.
  • Add the thin coconut milk and the strained water to the dates and cook for 5-7 mins till everything boils and dates are cooked well. Keep stirring in between.
  • Add the melted jaggery and stir well for 3-5 mins. Now add the thick coconut milk and cook in low-med heat for say 3-4 mins. Set aside.
  • Heat up a small frying pan add 2 tbsp of ghee and roast cashews and raisins. Add them to the cooked pradhaman with the ghee.
  • Spread the cardamom powder and mix everything well. Set aside to let it cool.
  • Serve warm or chilled. You can garnish with few more chopped dates if desired. Enjoyy!!!!!
Note:- Since dates are really sweet you should try to adjust the use of jaggery accordingly. I have used very less amount of jaggery while making this. So before planning to make this keep this in your mind and try to adjust the sweetness accordingly

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