Wednesday, September 7, 2011


  1. Plantain(Pachakkaya) - 1 big
  2. Carrot - 1
  3. Winter Melon - a small piece
  4. Snake guard(Padavalanga) - 1 small
  5. Drumstick - 1
  6. Bitter guard(Kayppakka/Karela) - 1 small(optional)
  7. Turmeric powder - 1 tsp
  8. Salt
  9. water - 1 cup
  10. Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
  11. Grated coconut - 2cup
  12. Curry leaves
  13. Coconut oil - 2tbsp
  14. Thick Yogurt - 1 cup
Preparation Method:-
  • Wash and clean all the vegetables, cut lengthwise and set aside.
  • In a vessel add all the veggies, salt, turmeric powder and water. Cook till vegetables are soft and tender
  • Grind coconut and cumin to a coarse paste and add it to the veggies and cook till raw smell of the coconut goes. Switch off the flame
  • With a spoon or fork beat the yogurt just to remove the lumps if any. Add it to the avial and mix everyting gently(don't need to cook the avial after adding the yogurt, if you feel the avial is watery you can cook it in medium flame till water is fully absorbed by the veggies)
  • Drizzle coconut oil and curry leaves. Stir gently to mix everything.
  • Moving to a serving dish. Pour a tsp of cococnut oil on top before you are ready to eat. Enjoyyyy!!!

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