Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Egg Spinach Thoran - Egg Spinach Stir Fry

Winter and Hibernation??? If that is what you thought of my reason to be inactive from couple of days I would just say a big 'nooo'. Its been a hectic week with packing and moving of our Apt home. I had been trying to pack stuffs from two weeks back but it was fun to see my kids sitting and playing in the carton boxes which I used for packing. Must say they had lot of fun with the Apt move where as me and hubby is fully exhausted. Phew, only God knows when I will unpack, arrange and settle down with everything in our new Apt home :-) .

Coming back to today's recipe, this is a simple Thoran/Stir Fry with spinach and Egg which I make quite often especially when I have less spinach to be used as standalone. This quick and ezee dish is perfect with Roti/Rice and tastes just awesome. So next time you have spinach in your pantry which are not sufficient enough to make a proper Sabzi/Stir fry or Curry by its own try out this recipe and I'm sure you will love it for its taste and the easiness to prepare :-)


  1. Spinach Finely Chopped ~ 3 cups
  2. Eggs - 3 or 4
  3. Finely chopped onion - 1
  4. Green chilies chopped - 3
  5. Turmeric powder - 3/4 tsp
  6. Garam Masala - 3/4 tsp(optional) 
  7. Salt to taste
  8. Coconut oil/Veg oil - 1 tbsp
  9. Mustard seeds - 1tsp
  10. Dry red chilies 2
  11. Curry leaves few

Preparation Method:-
  • Wash well and drain the water completely from the spinach. Chop them finely and move to a bowl.
  • In another bowl break the eggs and beat them well with a spoon and set aside. 
  • Add chopped green chilies, onion, turmeric powder, salt to the chopped spinach and mix well with clean hands.
  • Heat up a kadai/Frying pan, pour oil. Sputter mustard seeds, add dry chilies, few curry leaves and saute for few seconds.
  • Simmer  the stove to medium and add the spinach mix and stir fry for couple minutes till they are cooked and are soft(Usually it take less than five minutes)
  • Now add the beaten egg and stir fry till the eggs are mixed well with spinach and are dry.
  • Sprinkle the garam masala and saute for another one or two minutes and take off the stove(optional)
  •  Add more curry leaves and move to serving dish. Serve warm with Roti/Naan/Rice.
Adding Garam Masala is optional, usually I add them when I have mild spiced main course curry and make it simple without Garam Masala when the main course curry is spicy or Masala Curry.

Sending this to the Egg Recipes @ Ramya's Recipe

Announcing The Kerala Kitchen Event - March 2012

Dear Friends,

I take immense pleasure in announcing the Kerala Kitchen Event for the month of March 2012. I have been given a chance to host this event for this month at my little space and I thank Rose for giving me this wonderful opportunity. The  Kerala Kitchen Event is one of the most popular event in the blog sphere, started by Ria and Rose which do not need much introduction now. Still as a host it is my responsibility to give you a brief walk through with the rules of this event.
  • As Rose said there is no specific rule as such and anyone can join for all the fun :-) 
  • So prepare a traditional Kerala dish or any dish inspired by the Kerala cooking such as Appam, Idiyappam, Kappa and Fish Curry or any dish with key ingredients used in Kerala Cooking like Coconut, Jaggery, Yucca, Mango, aromatic spices, tamarind etc or any dish that reminds you of the beautiful God's Own Country and send it this Kerala Kitchen Event.
  • You have 31 days to send me the entries. Do post the recipes between 1st March - 31st March and link it to this announcement page and also to the Kerala ki tchen page. You can click on the link for more detailed info about the Kerala Kitchen here.
  • No Archived entries allowed, you can re-post older posts to qualify for the event.
  • Non-bloggers can also send in their entries with the picture and recipe to the mentioned email-id.
  • Send as many entries as you can because there is an award for top contributor apart from the best pic and top dish awards.
  • Usage of the Kerala Kitchen Logo is appreciated.

So rush in your entries for the month of March to cookezee@gmail.com with the subject line the Kerala Kitchen in the below format.

Your Name
Blog Name/URL
Recipe Name
Recipe URL

Thanks a lot, Happy cooking!! Looking forward to seeing your entries!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Kerala Chemmeen Theeyal(Varutharacha Chemmeen Curry) - Shrimp in Roasted Coconut Gravy

Ingredients: -
  1. Shrimp/Prawns – 1 lbs
  2. Turmeric powder – 1 tsp
  3. Chilly powder – 1 tsp
  4. Salt to taste
  5. Shallots/Small Onion/Kunjully finely sliced ~ 1 ½ cups
  6. Tomato finely sliced – 1
  7. Ginger minced – 1tsp
  8. Green chilies – 4 split into halves
  9. Tamarind a small gooseberry size ball(you can use tamarind paste as well) or use Gamboge
  10. Water - 1 cup(or more as needed)

To Grind

1.       Grated Coconut ~ 1 ½ cups
2.       Coriander powder – 3 tbsp(I used pre-roasted then grounded coriander powder that was homemade)
3.       Fenugreek seeds – 1 tsp
4.       Dry red chilies – 3
5.       Curry leaves few

For Seasoning:
  1. Coconut Oil/ Veg Oil – 2 tbsp
  2.  Mustard seeds – 1 tsp
  3. Curry leaves few
  4. Shallots/Kunjulli/Small onion chopped – 3 tbsp
  5. Dry red chilies – 3
Preparation Method:-

  •  Peel the shell off the shrimp, devein, wash and clean them.  Marinate with turmeric powder, chilly powder and salt and set aside for an hour if possible
  • Soak the tamarind in ½ cup water for ten minutes. Squeeze out the maximum tamarind water with clean hands and pour into a bowl. Add half cup water again and squeeze out the remaining pulp water from tamarind if any and pour to the set aside tamarind water.
  • Dry roast the coconut with fenugreek seeds, curry leaves and dry red chilies in medium heat. When the coconut start to turn brown add the coriander powder and roast again for three-five minutes or till they become brown color.(Don’t over roast the coconut-coriander powder to very dark brown/burn which will turn the gravy to bitter, the curry will lose its authentic taste- I roast it till they turn a bit more than light brown but not very dark brown)
  • Let the roasted mix cool down fully. Then grind them to a smooth paste(Use ¼- ½ cup water as needed to  grind). Move the ground paste to bowl and add ½ cup or more water and mix well(water should be added according to your gravy requirement, this curry is normally of medium consistency-neither too thick nor runny)
  • Put the marinated shrimp, finely sliced shallots, ginger, green chilies, few curry leaves and tamarind extract to a pan preferably Manchatty/Earthen ware. Keep the Manchatti/Pan with lid on and put on the stove. When the shrimp-tamarind mix just starts to boil add the sliced tomatoes and ground coconut mix.
  • When the gravy start to boil simmer the stove to medium and let it cook again for few more minutes say five-seven minutes. Take out off the stove.
  • Heat up a small pan, pour coconut oil/Veg oil, when the oil is hot enough add mustard seeds. When the mustard seeds starts to splutter, add curry leaves, dry red chilies, shallots/Kunjully/Small onion and sauté till they turn golden brown.
  • Pour over the curry and serve warm with Rice/Roti/Appam/Dosa. This curry tastes better after 4-6 hours of preparation. 

  1. Even though this curry is commonly known as Chemmeen Theeyal, We (Kannur region) simply call it as Varutharacha Chemmeen Curry i.e. Shrimp in dry roasted coconut gravy :-)
  2. Shallot/Small onion/Kunjully is preferred for this curry, but you can replace it with very finely sliced Onion. The way you slice them definitely adds taste to gravy.
  3. Many parts of Kerala use Gamboge/Kudampuli to make this and most of the fish Curries, but Malabar/North Keralites mostly use Tamarind. Would suggest you to use which ever suits your taste buds(i.e. whichever you are used to-like I have seen some people using tamarind having hard time to adjust with Kudampuli/Gamboge taste but I never heard vice versa – so it all depends upon your taste buds :-) )
  4. I have used pre-roasted ground coriander powder, so frying time with coconut will be less. If you are using store bought or unroasted coriander powder then frying time till they turn brown will be little more.
  5. Seasoning is purely optional, this curry tastes great even without seasoning.
Sending this to The Kerala Kitchen Event hosted by Roshan @ Roshan's Cuccina 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Moru Curry/Moru Kachiyathu - Spiced Buttermilk Curry and Awards

Moru Curry/Moru Kachiyathu or Spice Buttermilk is the quickest and one of the most comfort food option for all Keralaites. Moru Curry is served with plain rice, thorans(Stir fry/Subzi) and any pickle of choice but we love to have it as it is also ;). Moru Curry have amazing healing effect as well, so if you are recovering from fever, you have lost your appetite or if your taste buds are not supporting you well start with this buttermilk to regain your health condition and appetite faster. So next time when you are down with fever/sick don't spent time making soups, just make this, enjoy it and get we soon :)

When we were kids, whenever we were sick this is one best thing our granny makes. Even when I have bitter taste due to fever I used to relish this and this used to be a great relief when I don't feel like to eat anything. Grandma used to make it with buttermilk and she don't do the seasoning if we are sick, oil is not said to be good when you trying are sick n recovering (these are little but great things you learn from elderly people). So try this healthy n delicious Moru Curry and Enjoy with a bowl of Rice or relish this in sips :).

  1. Yogurt as needed (I used around 2lbs)
  2. Turmeric powder - 1 tsp
  3. Coconut Oil/Veg Oil - 1 tbsp
  4. Mustard seeds - 3/4 tsp
  5. Pepper powder - 1tsp
  6. Jeera/Cumin - 1tsp
  7. Fenugreek seeds - 1/2 tsp
  8. Whole Red Chilly - 3 
  9. Curry leaves few
  10. Coriander leaves chopped - 3 tbsp
  11. Green chilly finely chopped - 2
  12. Ginger minced- 1 tbsp
  13. Garlic minced - 1tbsp
  14. Shallots minced - 2 tbsp(2 or 3 small onions minced/finely hopped)
  15. Water - 1/2 cup
  16. Salt to taste
Preparation Method:-
  • Pour the yogurt in a wide bowl and beat very slowly with a spoon/fork/whisk just to remove all the lumps if any. Add water and stir slowly to mix and loosen the thick yogurt. Set aside
  • Heat up a thick bottom pan, pour oil, add Mustard seeds. When they start to splutter add Jeera/Cumin. (Keep the heat in medium when the mustard start to splutter)
  • When they start to sizzle add fenugreek seeds, few curry leaves, dry red chilies, 1 tbsp coriander leaves,  minced shallots, ginger, garlic and saute till they become light brown
  • Add the chopped green chilies, turmeric powder, pepper powder,salt and saute for few seconds(simmer the flame from med to low-med)
  • Pour the beaten yogurt slowly but stirring slightly in between. Keep stirring slowly till the buttermilk mix becomes warm.(You don't need to boil the buttermilk, it might curdle)
  • When the bubble start to form from the edges switch off the stove(If you are worried about the yogurt to curdle don't wait till the bubbles to form from the sides. Switch off the stove when the buttermilk is warm enough)
  • Add more curry leaves and coriander leaves, stir gently and serve warm with Rice and Thoran(Subzi/Sti fry).

Sending this to The Kerala Kitchen Event hosted by Roshan @ Roshan's Cuccina, Show me your hits hosted by Sangee Vijay @ Spicy Treats
Now on to awards, I don't no why I totally forgot to publish one of the best award I received and that too at the Kerala Kitchen. The Kerala Kitchen is a fabulous Monthly Event started by Ria and Rose that features any dishes inspired by the Kerala Cuisine. Last Month(Jan) this event was hosted by Kaveri  at Palakkad Chamayal and I'm happy and honored for winning the Best Picture award for Vazhakoombu Thoran. Thanks a lot Kaveri for choosing me for this award and wishing you all the best in the future blogging  :) 

I'm really happy to receive this Liebster Award once again from Hema @ Aromatic Cooking. Hema is one the wonderful blogger buddy with lot of innovative recipes and unique ideas, do check out her space to find out what she is been cooking ;)

"Leibster" means dearest in German and as with any award, there is bit of a ceremony involved.These are the rules if you accept the award:
  • Copy and paste the award on your blog. Link back to the blogger who gave you the award.
  • Pick your five favorite blogs with less than 200 followers who deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog to let them know they have received the award.
  • Hope that the five blogs chosen will keep spreading the love and pass it on to five more blogs.

Now let me pass it over to:

Monday, February 13, 2012

Beetroot Halwa/Beetroot Pudding

My son and my Husband love this beetroot halwa, so I love making them more often. I love the beautiful color of this halwa when it is made. Scoop out some vanilla Ice-cream and serve with this halwa, the taste is just awesome. I clicked couple of pictures of this delish whenever I made it but never got a chance to post the recipe. So when I made it today I thought of sharing this recipe with all my friends and readers as the beautiful color of this halwa is perfect for the Valentine's Day. Try at home and Enjoy this delicacy !!!!!


  1. Beetroot - 2
  2. Milk  - 2 cups
  3. Sugar - 1 cup
  4. Fresh Cardamom powder - 1tsp
  5. Ghee - 1tsp
  6. Cashews few

Preparation Method:-
  • Peel the beet skin, wash and grate them(I had around 3 1/2 cups grated beetroot).
  • Heat up a kadai/frying pan, add ghee, roast cashews and keep them aside. 
  • Add grated beetroot to the same pan and saute them till they absorb the fragrance of ghee around five minutes(You can add more ghee if you feel, but I used only 1 tsp of ghee for making this halwa)
  • Warm the milk at the same time you saute the beetroot, don't need to bring them to boil.
  • Add Milk to the beetroot and cook in med heat sauteing in between. 
  • When the beetroot absorbs the milk add sugar, saute well and cook again(Sugar adds moisture again, so will have saute n cook again till the moisture is almost fully absorbed)
  • When the beetroot starts to thicken and there is no more moisture add the cardamom powder and saute well to mix. Switch off the stove and move the halwa to a serving dish. Garnish and serve

Notes :-
1.  The halwa taste great when chilled and served with a scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream.
2.  Adjust sugar according to your taste, a bit more or less might work perfect for you. 
3.  Use any nuts of your choice, add raisins if you have it handy in your pantry.

Sending this to 
Valentine's Day at Anzzcafe
Kids Delight,
Sweet Luv
Valentine's Day Event @ Teenz Yummy Delights
Dish for loved One's
Show me Your Hits
Holi Hai @My Cook Book


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ezee Chocolate Truffles with Cream Cheese n Chocolate Chips

The whole world around me is celebrating Valentine's Day, Everywhere I get to see beautiful red and pink colors, cards and balloons, roses and gifts, chocolates and cakes . Oh yea, the blogger world looks beautiful and romantic too, lot of Valentine's day events and most of my blogger friends have posted beautiful Valentine's day dishes and great ideas for this special day. Yes now I know love is really in the air, I wonder why I was totally lost and have not posted anything great for this Valentine's Day. So here comes a very simple and ezee Chocolate Truffles Recipe with just three basic ingredients Cream Cheese, Chocolate Chips and Icing Sugar and Wishes for a beautiful Valentine's Day to all my wonderful friends and readers out there :-)  

  1. Cream Cheese - 1/2 lb or 8oz(at room temperature)
  2. Confectioner's Sugar - 1 1/2 cups 
  3. Semi-Sweet chocolate chips - 1 1/2 cups
  4. Vanilla essence - 1 tsp(optional)
Garnishing(if needed only):-
  1. Few Walnuts Crushed for garnishing(optional, use if you need walnut coated truffles)
  2. Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp(optional, use if you need cocoa/brown color coating)
  3. Icing sugar/Confectioner's sugar - 2 tbsp

Preparation Method:-

  • In a wide bowl beat the cream cheese until smooth. Add the confectioner's sugar and beat again until smooth and creamy.
  • Microwave the chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl just till the chips start to melt, stir well to check all the chips are melted(You can melt them using double-boiler method as well)
  • Add the melted chocolate and vanilla essence to the cream cheese - sugar mix and stir well to blend.
  • Refrigerate the truffle mix for 1 to 2 hours.
  • Take out 1 tsp each from the truffle mix and make roll into 1 inch smooth balls. 
  • Yummy Chocolate truffles are ready.

1) Put 2 tbsp cocoa powder, 2 tbsp confectioner's sugar and 2 tbsp finely chopped/crushed walnuts in three small bowls/ramekins and roll preferred number of truffles in the three bowls to get different coating for truffles.
2) This truffles do not tend to melt even if you keep it in room temperature but I would prefer to keep it refrigerated so that it remains non-sticky. 
3) These are  super easy, very sweet, melt in mouth, uncontrollably tempting chocolate truffles. Nobody can stop in one, so beware ;-) 
4) The recipe is adapted from Allrecipes but I have altered/reduced the measurement according to our taste.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Raw Papaya Erissery(Kannur Style)-Raw Papaya in ground coconut

Erissery is a traditional Kerala Dish made with Vanpayar(Red Moong Beans) and any of the Vegetables like Mathanga(Pumpkin) or Yam(Chena) or Pachakkaya(Plantain Banana) cooked in ground coconut and finally seasoned with roasted coconut. You can use any of these vegetables or a combination of veggies as well. I have used the very nutritious Kappakka(Raw Papaya) to make this Erissery which is said to be great for diabetic patients as well.

I remember my grandma's backyard with lot of Papaya trees with tremendous amount of papaya on them especially in the monsoon season. The papaya trees are not too strong but fast growing herb and I remember the trees falling off in heavy rain with lot of raw and ripe papayas. When the rain stops my granny and we kids will be picking  up all the papayas and my granny use to sound sad when she talks about the fallen papaya trees. But then with-in a couple of months new papaya trees pops up from the seeds of ripe papaya she drops in her backyard and she will be in all smiles again :) It will be all papaya based curries, thoran(Subzi), side dishes then and she makes this raw papaya erissery as well. She does the seasoning either with chopped shallots/onion or with some generous amount of grated coconut roasted and both tastes great.

Now that I have given the title as Kannur Style I'm sure you guys guessed it right, yes making of erissery mentioned here is totally  different from the typical traditional Kerala Erissery even though few ingredients and process are same and it is still called Erissery in Kannur(Northern Kerala). I remember a friend of mine who is from travancore region scolding me when I said this is our way of making Erissery and I knew very well she couldn't even imagine this to be Erisserry even in her wildest dreams ;) (I still remember her astonished face and I always burst into laugh whenever I remember that). I'm sometimes surprised to see the difference in cooking and flavor of same dishes with in the Kerala cuisine. I will be posting the authentic Kerala Erissery soon but for now here comes the recipe of simple Kannur Style Raw Papaya Erissery.

  1. Raw Papaya Chopped into cubes - 3 cups(I used half of a papaya)
  2. Toor Dal - 3/4  cup
  3. Green Chilies - 3(slit into halves)
  4. Turmeric powder - 1 tsp
  5. Chilly powder - 1 tsp
  6. Salt to taste
  7. Curry leaves few
  8. Water as needed(3 cups n more)
To Grind:-
  1. Grated Coconut - 1 +1/2 cups
  2. Jeera/Cumin-  1tsp
  3. Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
  4. Chilly powder - 1/2 tsp(Or 1 or 2 dry red chilly-adjust according to ur spice level and the spice of red chillies you use. This curry has a very moderate spice level)
Seasoning: -
  1. Mustard Seeds - 1tsp
  2. Curry leaves few 
  3. Shallots Chopped - 2(can use 1/2 onion instead)
  4. Dry Red Chilies -2 or 3 
  5. Coconut oil(Or oil of ur choice) - 1tbsp
Preparation Method:-
  • Wash the toor daal and put them in a cooker. Peel off skin of Raw papaya, wash and cut them into small cubes, add it to the dal. 
  • Add turmeric, chilly powder, salt, and water just enough to cover the veggies, stir and mix. Cover and pressure cook for three-four whistles. Switch off the stove and let it cool completely. When the pressure is fully off open the cooker.
  • Coarse grind the 'to grind' ingredients and add it to the dal-papaya mix and stir well. Mash few papaya while you mix to uplift the flavor of papaya. Add the green chillies now
  • Put the cooker on the stove, bring the curry to boil. Simmer the heat to medium and let it boil for five-seven minutes stirring in between. Take off the stove.
  • Heat another small frying pan, pour oil, crackle mustard seeds, add chopped onions, curry leaves and dry red chilies and roast till onions turns brown(not dark brown but bit more than golden brown)
  • Pour over the prepared curry and serve warm with Rice/Roti.

  1. I sometimes replace onion over 1/2 cup of grated coconut and roast well till brown while seasoning(instead of onion/shallots you can use grated coconut) 
  2. You can use veggies like Yellow Pumpkin, Raw Plantain, Yam etc or a combination of veggies instead of Raw Papaya.
  3. I normally coarse grind coconut but you can grind it bit more but this curry don't need coconut to be ground to fine paste compared to normal Kerala curries.
Sending this to The Kerala Kitchen Event hosted by Roshan @Roshan's Cucina and show me your Hits Event hosted by Sangee Vijay @ Spicy Treats



Now Guys there is great Info I would like to share with all my blogger buddies. Pari of Foodelicious is having Two Cook Book Giveaways at her Space on her 300th post. She has got a wonderful blog with quite a lot of wonderful recipes. Each recipes sounds unique and very creative. I was very surprised to see her Smoked Plantain Kebab with cream cheese filling Recipe and I like this recipe the most out of all her wonderful recipes. Now Isn't that a great idea to make Kebab's out of Plantain. So guys check out her space and participate in the giveaway, you may be the winner too :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pacha Mangaa Perakku - Raw Mango in Coconut Yogurt Mix (A kind of Raw Mango Pachadi)

There are certain recipes that stay close to our heart for several reasons and this is one among them. This is again my granny's recipe and is quite similar to Pacha Manga Pachadi - Cooked Raw mango in ground coconut and yogurt, but this do not require any cooking other than for the seasoning part. 'Perakku' simply means 'mix' in local Kannur/Tellicherry Malayalam and just as the name says it is a mixture of raw mango and few ingredients.

As I mentioned before when we were kids there were hardly any days when our Meenkaran(fisherman) did not bring fresh fish at our door steps. My grandma knew very well unless we get Meen(fish) curry or Fry it is hard to make us eat even a gulp of rice especially my little sister who was a very picky eater then. There were few simple tricky condiments/side dishes/curries which my grandma use to prepare to make us eat rice such as unakkamean(dry fish) fry or chammanthi(chutney), Puliyum Mulakum - a combination of tamarind with green chilies, shallots n salt, many more quick side dishes and of course her very own 'Perakku'. She prepares different kinds of perakku like onion perakku, onion-tomato perakku, raw mango perakku etc among which this one was our favorite. Try this out for a jiffy side dish for any flavorful or plain rice/Parathas. Enjoy!!!!


  1. Raw Mango - 1/2 of big mango or 1 if it is small
  2. Grated Coconut - 1 cup
  3. Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
  4. Slight Sour Yogurt(Thick Yogurt) - 1 cup
  5. Onion finely chopped - 1/2(optional or shallots 2)
  6. Green chilies finely chopped - 4
  7. Ginger finely chopped - 1 tsp(optional)
  8. Salt to taste
  9. Few curry leaves
For seasoning:-
  1. Coconut oil - 2 tbsp(or veg/canola oil)
  2. Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
  3. Dry red chilly - 3
  4. Few Curry leaves  

Preparation Method:-
  • Wash and peel the skin of raw mango, chop them into fine cubes and put them in a bowl. Add the chopped onion, green chilies, ginger, few curry leaves and salt to the chopped mango and mix it well with your clean hands or toss well to mix everything.
  • Make a fine ground paste of coconut and mustard seeds with very less water(use water just to get it ground) and add to raw mango mix.
  • With a fork or spoon slightly beat the yogurt just to remove lumps if any and add it to the raw mango mix and stir slowly to mix everything. Check for the salt and adjust accordingly. 
  • Heat a small frying pan, pour coconut oil, crackle the mustard, add the curry leaves, dry red chilies stir  for few seconds and take off the stove. Pour them to the prepared Raw mango mix/perakku.
  • Serve with Plain Rice or any flavorful Rice or Paratha.

1. Adding onion is optional, you can opt out that if you are not an admirer of raw onion. I add it sometime, skip sometimes.
2. You can crush the mangoes in a food processor, just be careful not to blend it. It should be small but bite pieces.
3. You can make the same without raw mango, just onion mix/onion-tomato mix/pineapple mix or any fruit/veggie of your choice.

Sending this to The Kerala Kitchen Event hosted by Roshan @ Roshan's Cuccina and DIP IN-The Big Chutney Chow Down Event hosted by Priyas Now Serving and Show me your Hits hosted by Sangee Vijay @ Spicy Treats