Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wheat Flour Oats Dosa Appam - Kids Delight

The First look of them make you feel 'oh a pancake' though none of the ingredients used for making this are of pancakes. Most of the evening I make some kids snack though I never get to click a picture of them(never bothered to take pics when four hungry eyes stare at me) and this dosa appam/pancake evolved out one such  evening. I gave this delicacy the title Appam as I didn't knew what to call them.This is simple, quick and ezee Appams made with Wheat Flour/Chappathi Flour, Jaggery, Oats, nuts etc. You can always mix and match the ingredients according to your choice like adding some grated coconut or opt out adding nuts if your kids don't like them or if they are too little to chew the nuts. Choice is all yours but I can guarantee you on taste, a real delicious breakfast/snack for kids healthy too without compromising on taste. :-) Enjoy!!!!!

  1. Whole wheat Flour(I used Chappathi Flour) - 1 cup
  2. Oats - ½ cup
  3.  Jaggery ~ 1 cup broken pieces(5 to 6 Jaggery Cubes if using Jaggery cubes. Adjust according to the sweetness required)
  4. Water - 1 cup
  5. Milk - 1 cup(Can use 1 cup water instead)
  6. Egg -  1(optional)
  7. Sesame Seeds - 1tsp 
  8. Chopped Coconut pieces - 2tbsp(optional)
  9. Cardamom powder - 1/2 tsp(optional)
  10. Dry Ginger Powder - 1/2 tsp(optional)
  11. Raisins, Cashews a handful(optional)
  12. Ghee/Butter as required(optional)

Preparation Method:-
  • Put Jaggery pieces in a vessel, add ¼ cups of water and let it boil till all the jaggery pieces are melted. Strain this Jaggery syrup to another vessel to remove any impurities and let it cool completely.
  • In another bowl add oats and water and mix well, set aside for ten minutes. Add Wheat flour, egg, milk and mix well with a wire whisk to remove any lumps.
  • Pour the Jaggery syrup, sesame seeds, coconut pieces, raisins, cashews, cardamom powder, dry ginger powder and mix gently with the wire whisk till everything is incorporated. 
  • Heat up a non-stick pan/griddle, pour a ladle of the batter and spread to make a bit thick round Appams(Drizzle few drops of ghee if desired, it gives nice aroma and is good for kids health)
  • Repeat the process with the rest of the batter, Serve warm. Enjoy!!!!!


  1. Looks good. Nice recipe :)

  2. Hi prathiba, i thought they look like pancakes too. For us over here in malaysia, apam is a dessert done using yeast and is spongy in texture and shape like cupcakes or steamed in a pan or muffin pans. Looks yummy, nice pics,i can eat two of that appam. happy sunday

  3. haha, I just got thought of your little ones. Hope they enjoyed a healthy and delicious new kind of Appam.

  4. very healthy recipe.. and looks delicious
    Noel collections

  5. dosa looks tasty and wonderful

  6. wonderful and healthy idea...

  7. looks yummy n healthy..nice plate presentation.....

  8. lovely filling tea time snack for kidoos..I too make these with their favorite fruits,never tried adding oats to it..will try next time:-)
    Cook in any recipe with Cilantro/Cumin as one of the main ingredients & rush it in my EP Series-Herbs n Spices
    Erivum Puliyum

  9. Very healthy dosa, with all the nuts, raisins and jaggery, shud taste great too..

  10. The clicks are super bright and damn tempting!! :)
    Loved this simple yet healthy recipe.

  11. healthy and delicious doasa...perfect for kiduss.

  12. Delicious and healthy breakfast dish.

  13. so healthy and yummy dosas...perfect for kids snack or breakfast..nice idea dear..

  14. Yummy appams...I'm sure kids would've enjoyed these.


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