Thursday, June 28, 2012

Methi Murgh/Methi Chicken/Chicken with Fenugreek leaves

Methi leaves is one of his favorite, he had gown up eating them I guess. When I was in Mumbai after our marriage I was so amazed to see these fresh bunch of Methi leaves that was so abundantly available in the market. I do like Methi but mostly when combined with something else like I love Aloo Methi, like Methi Dal and this Methi Chicken is one of my favorite chicken dish. You don't feel the bitterness of Methi leaves here, instead this chicken dish have a nice flavor of Fresh methi leaves. This recipe is for all the Methi Leaves lovers like my hubby, Try them at home, Enjoy the meal :)

  1. Onion chopped fine - 2 Med(~ 1 ½ to 2 Cup)
  2. Tomatoes chopped fine - 2 small
  3. Ginger and Garlic finely chopped or crushed - 1tbsp each
  4. Green Chilies chopped - 3
  5. Turmeric powder ~ ½ tsp
  6. Chilly powder -   ½ tsp
  7. Cumin powder - 1 tsp
  8. Coriander powder - 1tsp
  9. Garam Masala - 1 tsp
  10. Jeera/Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
  11. Bay leaf - 1
  12. Cinnamon stick - 1
  13. Oil -2 tsp
  14. Methi leaves - a bunch(~ 2 cups after discarding the stems)
  15. Salt ~ ¾ tsp
To Marinate:-
  1. Chicken - 2lbs(~ 1 kg)(I used bone-in chicken pieces if using boneless chicken pls use thigh meat)
  2. Turmeric powder ~ ¾ tsp
  3. Chillly powder - 1tsp
  4. Garam Masala - 1tsp
  5. Yogurt/Curd - 2 tbsp
  6. Salt ~ ¾ tsp

Preparation Method:-
  • Wash and clean the chicken two-three times, drain water completely and keep aside.
  • In another big bowl add yogurt and make the marinade by adding all the ingredients of 'To marinate'. Marinate the chicken well with this marinade and set aside for at-least half an hour(or marinate and keep refrigerated overnight)
  • Mean while cut and discard the stem part of Fenugreek leaves bunch, pluck the leaves discarding the stalks. Soak the leaves in wide bowl of water for a minute, clean well to remove all the sand. Repeat the cleaning process again for one or two times.
  • Drain the water completely in a colander. Chop the leaves and set aside. 
  • Heat up a kadai or non-stick pan, add oil followed by Bay leaf and cinnamon stick. Saute for few seconds. 
  • Add Jeera/cumin seeds, when they sizzle add the onion and salt. Saute very well in medium heat till the onion turns golden brown(don't get it to dark brown).
  • Add the ginger-garlic paste and saute till raw smell goes off. Add turmeric powder, chilly powder, cumin powder and coriander powder, saute for a minute.
  • Add tomatoes, saute well till the tomatoes are mashed up. Add the methi leaves, saute well for four-five minutes till methi leaves becomes soft and is combined well with the tomato onion mix.
  • Add the marinated chicken and saute well to mix. Cover and cook in medium heat for 15-20 minutes or till chicken is almost cooked(not fully cooked).
  • Open the lid, add garam masala and chopped coriander leaves and stir well to mix. Cover and cook again for ten minutes or till chicken is cooked fully.
  • Take off the stove and garnish with more chopped coriander leaves. Serve warm with Roti/Naan/Rice.

Note: -If you like more gravy, add a cup or more water after you add chicken to the methi masala ie before you cover and cook the chicken.

Sending this to The Master Chef Contest


  1. Super tempting chicken preparation...Lovely flavors...

  2. wow.. incredible.. cant take off my eyes from the screen..

  3. The curry looks the colour.

  4. looks very inviting Prathiba... feels like making some chappathi and having it together with ur curry
    Noel collections

  5. prathibha,its luking awwwwwwwwwwwsome,i will try it

  6. Fantastic and super tempting methi murgh, makes me drool.

  7. Just perfect Prathibha.. i am a crazy fan of methi... i do not cook chicken at home as husband is a vegetarian.. i so want to eat this right now... perfectly made

  8. Very flavorful & delicious chicken!! Mouthwatering dear..:-)

    Ongoing Events at(Erivum Puliyum)-
    1. The Kerala Kitchen(June'12)

    2.EP Series-Basil OR Cardamom

  9. I love methi,I totally agree with u,i too like it when combined with something.I had the most amazing methi chciken from a resataurant a while ago and has been trying to recreate the same taste at home several times,its getting closer but still far from their taste :) This looks yumm yumm

  10. Slurp Slurp,i want some....too good

  11. chicken with methi looks flavourful

  12. Looks absolutely delicious!!!


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