Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Mathanga Vanpayar Erissery/Yellow Pumpkin Red Moong Curry ~ A Kerala Sadya Recipe

Ingredients Used: -
  1. Vanpayar/Red Chori/Red Moong - ½ cup
  2. Mathanga/Yellow Pumpkin - 2 cups(Skin peeled and chopped into med size cubes)
  3. Turmeric powder - ½ tsp
  4. Green Chilies - 4
  5. Curry leaves
  6. Water ~ 2 Cups + 1 Cup
To Grind:-
  1. Grated Coconut - ¾ cup
  2. Jeera/Cumin - ¾ tsp
  3. Turmeric powder - ½ tsp
  4. Water - 4 tbsp + more if required
To Temper:-
  1. Coconut Oil/Veg Oil - 2tbsp
  2. Mustard seeds - 1tsp
  3. Dry Red Chilies - 4
  4. Curry leaves few
  5. Grated coconut - 3tbsp(generous amount)

How I made It:-
  • Wash Vanpayar/Red Moong for couple of times and soak in water for about four hours.
  • Add red moong, salt, water and pressure cook it for two whistles. (If you didn't get a chance to soak Vanpayar/Red moong, pressure cook for some more time in medium heat for five-seven whistles)
  • When the pressure subsides, open the cooker, stir well and mix the Vanpayar/Red Chori.
  • Add pumpkin, turmeric powder, slit green chilies, curry leaves and cook on stove top till pumpkin is soft and cooked. Stir well to mix and mash some pumpkin/Mathanga. Check for the salt and adjust.
  • Meanwhile grind the 'to grind' ingredients. Add the ground paste to Vanpayar-Pumpkin mix and stir well. Add salt and water if required(Erissery normally is not too thick but should not be runny as well) 
  • Put on the stove and get it to boil. Simmer the heat to medium and let it boil for another five minutes. Take it off the  stove and set aside.
  • Heat a small frying pan, pour coconut oil, add mustard seeds and let it crackle. Add curry leaves, dry red chilies and saute for few seconds. Add grated coconut and saute till it is brown(make sure not to get it to dark brown and burn)
  • Pour over the curry and give it a gentle mix. Serve warm with boiled rice and papads.


  1. Erissery looks delicious. my favorite.

  2. I love pumpkin MIL prepares it with green payar . Love the clicks!


  3. I love pumpkins but never made much curry out of it. Will give your recipe a go as it looks delicious.

  4. Healthy recipe. Must be tasty too.
    Happy to follow you.
    Glad, if you stop by mine too.

  5. Delicious, would love to try this..

  6. first time here and love your blog and happily following it..

  7. A great dish with rice or rotis


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