Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Baking Partners Challenge #6: Apple Pie

For this month's baking challenge Swathi choose pies. We had a total of four recipes both sweet and savory recipes. The recipes were suggested by Gayathri of Gayathri's Cook Spot, Tamy of 3sides of crazy and  Samantha of Samantha Menzies. I baked apple pie recipe suggested by Gayathri of Gayathri's Cook Spot  which she choose from taste.com. Thanks Gayathri for the wonderful recipe, we really enjoyed it, especially the little one's. I made little changes here and there, omitted eggs in the crust, used less butter compared to the given recipe and used brown sugar for the filling. So friends try out this simple but delicious pie which I'm sure you'll fall in love for and bake again. Enjoy!!!!

How I made It:-
  • 2 1/4 cups (260g) plain flour(Original recipe calls for 1 3/4 cups (260g) plain flour +  1/2 cup (75g) self-raising flour)
  • 52 unsalted butter, chilled, cut into small pieces(Original recipe calls for 185g butter)
  • 1/3 cup (75g) caster sugar
  • 2 to 3 tbs milk
  • Demerara or caster sugar, to sprinkle
  • 4 large Granny Smith apples (Originally recipe calls for 8 count)
  • Lemon Juice - 2tbsp
  • Few Chopped dates(6-7count- optional, original recipe do not call for dates)
  • 45g unsalted butter
  • 1/2 cup (110g) brown sugar
  • 1 tsp Allspice

Step 1
Sift flours and a pinch of salt into a large mixing bowl. Add butter and rub lightly into flour with your fingertips. Lift mixture high above the bowl as you rub, to incorporate air into the pastry and make it lighter. Continue until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Dissolve sugar in milk and mix well till it dissolve, pour this to the flour little by little and knead. Add bit more milk if required and knead into a smooth ball with your hands. Divide dough into two pieces, one slightly larger than the other. Wrap in plastic wrap, and chill for 30 minutes.

Step 2
To make the filling, peel and core the apples, and cut each into 8 pieces. Toss immediately with lemon juice in a large bowl, to prevent apples from discolouring. Place the butter and sugar in a large frypan over medium-low heat. When butter has melted, add apples and spices, then stir to coat. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes or until apples have softened. Set aside to cool.

Step 3
Roll out the larger pastry ball on a floured workbench to a 30cm circle (about 2mm thick). Roll pastry around rolling pin, then unroll over a 22cm metal pie dish. Gently press into corners and allow excess to overhang. Place filling in base with a slotted spoon. Roll the small pastry piece to a 25cm circle. Beat an egg with milk, brushing some on rim of the base(I dint do this, since I didnt use egg at all). Top with small pastry.

Step 4
Lift the pie dish and cut excess pastry from edges with a sharp knife. Crimp edges of pastry together with your fingers. Chill for 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 180°C, place pie dish on a baking tray. Brush top of pie with more beaten egg(I didn't do egg wash), sprinkle with demerara or caster sugar. Cut four small air vents in the centre of the pie and bake for 45 minutes or until golden brown.

Linking this to Baking Partners started by Swathi of Zesty South Indian Kitchen
Check out the below linky tool to find what our baking partners are baking for the challenge


  1. Delicious apple pie Prathibha, you did very well. I love it.

  2. Beautiful apple pie,you have baked them prefectly.

  3. Yummy pie. would love to have a slice

  4. Perfectly made,looks so yummy dear,wish I could dig in right now.

  5. Perfect and delicious looking apple pie...I would love to have a slice..

  6. Totally gorgeous pie! I want a slice right now!

  7. love those little stars, looks so cute, very yummy looking pie dear...

  8. Cool one dear.nice blog.Happy to follow u.

  9. I loved those glazed apples; want to have them right away...Perfectly baked.


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