Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Whole Wheat Banana Pancakes ~ Soft and Fluffy


So, which is your favorite kinda pancake? And how do you make soft and fluffy? My pancakes are mostly wheat ones as I try to make a better and healthy breakfast/meal. I do a lot of fruity ones and banana pancakes are default when I see the overripe bananas sitting on counter-top crying for my 


My friend Manju gets vegetables and fruits from a near by store. On a Saturday evening she brought me a lot of banana which was really overripe and asked me to make some something out of it. Next day I made banana pancakes for breakfast and baked some banana bread in the evening. I served the pancakes topped with butter and whipped cream. Kids loved them with whipped cream


Ingredients: -
1.       Whole wheat flour – 2 Cups
2.       Eggs – 3
3.       Milk – ½ Cup
4.       Water ~ 2 ½ Cups
5.       Overripe/Ripe bananas – 4
6.       Salt a pinch
7.       Sugar – 2 tbsp.
8.       Baking  Powder – ½ tsp.(optional)
9.       Butter as needed(to spread  and top the pancakes

Preparation Method:
·         Add flour, salt, sugar and baking powder to a wide bowl and mix well using a wire whisk.
·         In another bowl, beat eggs very well.  Pour the beaten eggs to the flour mix and stir slowly with the whisk.
·         Add milk and gently mix. Make sure there are no lumps.
·         Grind the bananas in a mixer or Mash them very well using the whisk or fork.
·         Add the banana to the batter, combine well again. Add water if the batter is too thick, batter should be of pouring consistency. Set aside for 15-20 mins.
·         Wash a non-stick pan or griddle, wipe clean with a clean cloth/towel. Put on the stove to heat up the pan, make sure the stove is kept in medium heat. Butter the pan.
·         Mix the batter with a ladle/spoon. Pour a small ladle of batter, do not spread the batter. As the pancake gets cooked, you will see the bubbles forming on top of the pancake.
·         Turn the pancake upside down before the base gets darker. Let it cook for a minute or two. Take off the pan.
·         Wipe the pan with a damp cloth and repeat the process.
·         Serve the pan cakes topped with butter. Pair them with whip cream, strawberries and maple syrup. Enjoy!!!

1.       For the best tasting pancake, make sure the base of the pancake do not turn dark, it should be of golden brown color. For this maintain the stove temperature to medium or if it electric figure out the best temperature to make sure the pancakes are slow cooked.


  1. delicious looking pancakes... I love pancakes for a weekend breakfast though nobody at home is really keen on it...

  2. nice yummy pancakes. sure kids will love it.

  3. Super duper pancakes, hard to resist.

  4. Healthy and delicious breakfast

  5. I too prefer wheat pancakes as they re healthy and these look perfectly done,yumm :)

  6. Healthy and yummy pancakes, looks very tempting..

  7. Never tried pan cakes but wheat flour versions sounds gud n healthy.

  8. a real helahty version of pancakes..will definitely be trying this out


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