Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dates Pradhaman/Payasam

The idea of making Dates Pradhaman or Dates Payasam came out just because I was trying to finish of the leftover dates. My kids do not like to eat dates for some reason and I end up making Dates log all the time. I thought of making something else other than logs and end up making this payasam as I knew my son would love to have payasam anytime. Now then when I made up my mind to make payasam I was still debating whether to make it with Jaggery-Coconut milk or Milk-Sugar. I'm sure every Keralite have these two ways of making payasams, that is either with coconut milk and jaggery called 'Pradhaman' or Milk and Sugar called 'Payasam'. At the end Coconut milk-Jaggery mix won the debate since Pradhaman is my hubby and kids all time favorite. Try out this awesome payasam for this Onam and I'm sure you all will love it. Enjoy!!!!


Dates de-seeded and chopped - 2 cups
Ghee - 2 tbsp + 2 tbsp
Jaggery - 1/2 cup(boil by adding 2 tbsp of water and strain of the impurities)
Coconut milk thiick - 1 cup
Coconut milk thin - 1 1/2 cup
Cashews few
Raisins few
Cardamom powder - 2 tsp
water - 1 cup

Preparation Method:-
  • Soak the dates in water for 10 mins. Strain off the water to another vessel and keep aside for later use.
  • Heat up a thick bottom pan with wide mouth(uruli preferably) and add 2 tsp ghee. Keep the flame in medium heat and saute the chopped dates for say 2-3 minutes.
  • Add the thin coconut milk and the strained water to the dates and cook for 5-7 mins till everything boils and dates are cooked well. Keep stirring in between.
  • Add the melted jaggery and stir well for 3-5 mins. Now add the thick coconut milk and cook in low-med heat for say 3-4 mins. Set aside.
  • Heat up a small frying pan add 2 tbsp of ghee and roast cashews and raisins. Add them to the cooked pradhaman with the ghee.
  • Spread the cardamom powder and mix everything well. Set aside to let it cool.
  • Serve warm or chilled. You can garnish with few more chopped dates if desired. Enjoyy!!!!!
Note:- Since dates are really sweet you should try to adjust the use of jaggery accordingly. I have used very less amount of jaggery while making this. So before planning to make this keep this in your mind and try to adjust the sweetness accordingly

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Kerala Style Sambhar without Cococnut

Sambhar is a South Indain dish/curry that can be served served with Rice/Idli/Dosas. It is made with Yellow Pigeon Peas/Toor Dal(Lentil) and a combination of veggies like Onion, Tomatoes, Fresh Drumsticks, Okra, Potatoes and more. You really don't have to use all the Veggies I mentioned, you can use any veggies you have in your Pantry :-)

Everyone have their own way of making Sambhar, I grew up seeing my Grandma making the Authentic Kerala sambhar by roasting the grated coconut, coriander powder and certain other ingredients which is Known as Varutharacha Sambhar. I used to make Sambhar regularly my Grandma's way or the Authentic way till the time I was in Kerala and maybe no other way of making sambhar can beat that taste. I started making sambhar without coconut after coming to US since coconut is not that readily available here as in Kerala and many time I ran out of it.  I really started admiring the taste of this 'no coconut sambhar' from then and so do my sister to whom I passed on this recipe(not just my sis, my friends to whomever I shared this recipe and family loves it). I used the homemade Sambhar Masala powder made by my MIL, you can use store bought one's as well. I am sure the easiness of making this and the great taste will surely make it a hit among your friend-family as well. So guys, here I'm sharing my way of making the all famous 'Sambhar' without coconut with all of you with the promise that I will surely share the recipe of authentic Kerala sambhar sometime soon. Enjoy!!!!

  1. Toor dal- 3/4 cup
  2. Bottleguard/Loki - 2 cups
  3. Tindoora - 4
  4. Carrot - 1 big
  5. Potato - 1 big
  6. Onion - 1 small
  7. Green chillies -3(optional)
  8. Drumstick - 2  
  9. Okra/Ladysfinger - 4
  10. Tomato - 1
  11. Turmeric powder - 1 tsp
  12. Tamarind - small lemon size
  13. Salt to taste
  14. Coconut Oil/Oil - 2 tbsp
  15. Mustard - 1 tbsp
  16. Fenugreek - 1 tsp
  17. Curry leaves few
  18. Dry whole red chilly - 2
  19. Asafoetida Powder - 1/2 tsp
  20. Homemade sambhar powder - 3 tbsp
  21. Coriander leaves chopped - 2 tbsp
    Preparation Method:-
    • In a pressure cooker wash and drain the Toor dal. Clean the vegetables  from 2 to 7 and cut them lengthwise. Add them to the dal.
    • Add 3 cups(add more/less) of water to the pressure cooker, add turmeric powder and salt.
    • Pressure cook this for one-two whistles and switch off the flame.
    • Soak tamarind in 1 cup of water for 10 minutes.
    • Cut drumstick, okra and tomato lengthwise and set aside
    • When pressure in the cooker settles or cool down, open it and add the drumstick, okra and Tomato.
    • Squeeze well the soaked tamarind and add the tamarind water to the dal and veggies. Stir well with a ladle till bottom of the cooker to mix.
    • Heat up the flame and cook this on med flame for 10-15 mins or till drumstick is cooked.
    • Heat a pan and pour coconut oil, sputter mustard seeds. Add fenugreek, curry leaves, dry red chillies, asafoetida and switch off the flame. Add the sambhar masala to this and stir well and mix(Take care not to burn the sambhar powder,that is why I mentioned to switch off the flame and add the powder -  but oil should be still hot)
    • Add this to the sambhar and stir well to mix everything. Let this boil for 2-3 mins and switch off the flame
    • Add the chopped coriander leaves and few more curry leaves. Sambhar is ready to serve. Enjoy!!!!
    • You can add the veggies of your choice or whatever you have in your kitchen. Veggies commonly used are Drumsticks/Muringakka, Okra/Lady's Finger/Vendakka, Brinjal/Vazhuthanangha, Beans, Carrots, Yam/Chena, Potatoes/UrulaKizhanghu, Yellow Pumpkin/Mathanga, Winter Melon/Kumbalangha, Plantain banana/Pachakkaaya.
    • I personally don't like the frozen drumstick, they spoil the taste of entire sambhar. So if you didn't find the fresh one's opt out the drumstick(again it is all your personally choice)
    • Sambhar masala is according to you taste, you can add/reduce the quantity according to the amount of veggies and dal used.
    • I used Home Made Sambhar Powder which already is spicy and have Coriander powder. If you are using store bought masalas you can add/adjust chilli powder and coriander powder according.(Add chilli powder when you pressure cook and coriander powder when you do the seasoning)

    Friday, August 26, 2011

    Aravana Payasam(Neypayasam)

    Aravana Payasam reminds me of the prasadam that we get from Sabarimala and Guruvayoor temple. Anyone or everyone who visits Sabarimala or Guruvayoor gets this for their family and for the friends and neighbors. This tastes so good with the richness of dark brown jaggery, ghee and rice - I really don't have any words to describe the taste. But the saddest part was since it is a 'prasadam' from the temple we just get to taste it, may be a spoon or two because it has to be distributed between the family, friends and neighbours. 

    As I mentioned this payasam is made with dark brown jaggery but here in US it is tough to find the brown jaggery. Instead we get the pale golden color jaggery and so my 'Payasams' looks a bit light brown in color compared to our temple one's. But I swear, try this out and I'm sure you will never regret making it, it just tastes the same as the one we get in the temple. And if you have the option to get the dark brown jaggery, please use it instead of the light colored one's and I'm sure it will look the original aravana payasam as well. The best rice for making this payasam would be 'Unakkalari' - red colored raw rice(pachari with bran), I have used Basmathi rice since I didn't get it here. So guys enjoyyy serving this payasam for your onam fest this time...

    1. Raw rice/Basmathi Rice - 1 cup
    2. Water - 5 cups(you may need to add more if needed)
    3. Ghee -  1/2 cup
    4. Jaggery - 3 cups
    5. Cardamom - 3(crushed
    6. Cashews, raisins a handful
    7. Coconut cut into small slices - 2 tbsp(optional)
    • Add 1/2 cup water to the jaggery and bring it to boil. Strain this jaggery syrup to remove impurities if any. Set aside.
    • Wash the rain two-three times and drain the water fully. Set aside.
    • Add 2 tbsp ghee in a pan in medium flame and roast the rice for say three-four minutes so that rice absorbs the aroma of ghee(do not over do it, rice will become crispy)
    • Add water to the rice and get it to boil, stir till the bottom of the pan and let it cook in medium heat.
    • When the rice is cooked add 1/4 cup ghee, keep stirring continuously in medium heat to blend well for say five minutes(stirring the payasam continuously makes the payasam much tastier)
    • Add the melted jagery to the rice-ghee mix and cook for somemore time, keep stiring in between so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan.
    • When the paysam is thick enough add the cardamom powder. Switch off the flame
    • Add  a tbsp of ghee to another pan, roast cashews, raisins and broken coconut slices and add to the payasam along wiith the ghee.
    • Add in the remaining ghee if any and mix well. Payasam is ready to Serve. Enjoy!!!!!

    • I have added 2:1 ratio for rice and ghee, you can increase or decrease the quantity of ghee according to your taste or preference. Adding more ghee defintely adds more taste but on a healthier note you can reduce the quantity of ghee to a few tbsp if you are not making it for any special occasion.
    • I would suggest this payasam for kids from age 1-5 when they get fuzzy to eat rice/roti or normal food. Try this for them, they will get a break from the same kind of  food. Ghee, jaggery and rice is good for their health as well. You can decrease the quantity of jaggery and ghee if needed.

    Thursday, August 25, 2011

    Molten Lava Cake

    Molten Lava Cakes or chocolate lava cakes are so ezee to make and taste just like the one's you get it in any fancy restaurant. This is a flourless cake(some use 1/2 cup flour though) which can be made with just 4 ingredients, butter, chocolate, sugar and eggs. If baked perfect it gives you a firm texture outside but will be runny(lava) inside. I believe there is no point in making a lava cake without the lava inside, but still I've seen some people baking it for few more mins to make it firm inside as well as they don't like it runny. Would again say it is all personal choice :). Serve this darling lava cake with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream or whip cream or a dash of powdered sugar, it is a heavenly treat!!!!


    1. Butter - 1/2 cup(1 stick)
    2. Chocolate - 4 oz semi sweet dark chocolate + 2 oz milk chocolate
    3. Sugar - 3/4 cup + 2 tbsp
    4. Eggs - 3 large(separate it into two bowls)
    Preparation Method:-
    • Pre-heat the oven to 400 degree Fahrenheit. Grease four ramekins or custard bowl and set aside.
    • In a pan add the chocolate and butter and melt it use double boiling method. The butter will melt soon and you can melt the chocolate in that heat by slowing stirring the chocolate in butter. (or microwaveable it in a covered for 1 min) 
    •    In a bowl add sugar and eggyoks and beat it in high till they are creamy.
    • Add the chocolate-butter mixture to the beaten egg york mix and stir gently to mix everything well.
    • Beat egg whites with 2 tbsp of sugar till it is firm and whipped well

    •  Fold in the egg whites gently with chocolate mixture and mix till everything mixes evenly.
    • Pour the mixture to the greased ramekins and bake for 7-9 mins till the outside is firm and inside is runny. Take out and set aside to cool down but not fully.
    • Place a plate on top and turn it upside down slowly, with you hands hit gently on top of the ramekins so that the cake comes out pan clean.
    • Serve warm with a scoop of vanilla icecream or whipped cream. Enjoy!!!!

    Tuesday, August 23, 2011

    Butter Chicken/Murgh Makhani

    Butter Chicken also known as Murgh Makhani is made with chicken(Murgh in Hindi) pieces marinated in spices and cooked in Butter(Makhan in Hindi) and Tomato gravy and hence the name Murgh Makhani. The chicken is traditionally cooked in Tandoor but can be grilled or pan fried. I have done it by marinating the chicken and broiling in the conventional oven. The other easier option is to pan fry the chicken pieces on both sides till they are half cooked and adding it to the gravy.
    The recipe follows, enjoy this delicacy with Roti/Naan/Parotta or Rice.


    For the marinade:-
    1. Chicken breasts - 4 halves(cut into med size cubes)
    2. Ginger-garlic paste - 2 tsp
    3. Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
    4. Chilly powder - 2 tsp
    5. Coriander powder -1 tsp
    6. Salt as needed
    For the gravy:-
    1. Onion - 2 med or 1 big(chopped roughly)
    2. Green chilly - 3 chopped
    3. Ginger, garlic crushed - 2 tbsp
    4. Tomato paste - 5 tbsp(if using fresh tomato grind tomato with 2 tbsp cashews and add it to the gravy)
    5. Chilly powder - 1 tsp
    6. Coriander powder - 1 tbsp
    7. Garam masala - 2 tsp 
    8. Fresh corainder leaves chopped - 2tbsp
    9. Fenugreek leaves - 2 tsp
    10. Sugar - 1tsp(optional)
    11. Butter - 3tbsp(i have used oil for sauting, if you prefer to add butter you an do so)
    12. Oil - 2 tbsp
    13. half and half cream(lowfat cream) - 1/2 cup(u can use heavy whipping cream as well)
    14. water as needed
    Preparation method:-
    • Pre-heat the oven to 350 degree Farenhite
    • Marinate the chicken with Ginger garlic paste, turmeric powder, chilly powder and coriander powder. Set aside for 30 mins.
    • Spread the chicken pieces in a silver foil tray and broil it for 15-20 mins by taking it out and turning the sides in between(easiest alternative is to pan fry it in 2 tbsp of oil for 10-12 mins just to half cook it)
    • Now heat a pan, pour oil. Add onions, crushed ginger-garlic, green chillies and saute till onion is translucent.
    • Add chilly powder, coriander powder, salt and 1 tbsp of fenugreek leaves. Add 1 cup of water and let it cook for 5 mins.Switch off the stove and set aside to let it cool
    • Once the sauted onion mix is cool grind it to a smooth paste.
    • Now heat up a pan, add butter, add the grinded paste and stir well in med flame.
    • Now add the tomato paste and mix gently so that tomato paste cooks evenly with onion.
    •  Add some water to the gravy if it is very thick to adjust the consistency and get the gravy to boil in med flame(since we're gonna add cream at the end the gray will thicken again, so add water to make it little thin)
    • Add the chicken pieces and cream. Give it a gentle stir to mix and cook it covered for 3-5 mins till chicken absorbs some sourness of the gravy.
    • Sprinkle some more fenugreek leaves and garam masala on top and mix gently.
    • Add a tsp of sugar as well to reduce the sourness of the gravy if any.
    • Let it cook for another 2 mins and switch off the flame.
    • Move to a serving dish and serve warm with roti/Naan/Parotta/Rice..

    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    Mixed Vegetable Sabzi/Bhaaji

    1. Cauliflower florets - 1 cup(cut lengthwise)
    2. Broccoli florets - 1 cup(cut lengthwise)
    3. Green peas - 1/2 cup
    4. Potato - 1 big(cut into med size cubes)
    5. carrot -1 chopped
    6. Olive Oil - 2 tbsp
    7. Cumin Seeds/Jeera - 1tsp
    8. Onion - 1 finely chopped
    9. Finely chopped Ginger - 1 tbsp
    10. Green chilly - 4(slit into halves)
    11. Finely chopped Coriander leaves - 3 tbsp
    12. Few Curry leaves
    13. Turmeric powder- 3/4 tsp
    14. Garam Masala -1 tsp(optional)
    15. Salt to taste
    Preparation Method:-
    • Pour oil in a frying pan, add cumin seeds, let it crackle. Add onion, ginger, green chilly, curry leaves, salt and saute till translucent.
    • Add green peas, carrot, coriander leaves and stir for 2-3 mins. Add Turmeric powder, stir well to mix.  Add cauliflower, Potato and brocolli. and mix well. Cook it covered in low-med flame till half cooked.
    • Add brocolli, stir and mix well with veggies. Cover and cook it till all the veggies are cooked well(dont let them over cook). Add chopped coriander leaves and mix well. Switch of the stove
    • This step is optional, spread garam masala on top and mix well.
    • Serve hot with Roti/Naan/Rice.

    Rava/Sooji Dosa

    1. Rava - 2 cups
    2. grated coconut - 1/2 cup(optional)
    3. salt to taste
    4. jeera - 1 tsp(optional)
    5. water - 1 cup or as needed
    Preparation Method:-
    • Soak rava in water for 10 - 15 mins.
    • Grind together rava, coconut and salt to a smooth batter. Add the cumin seeds to the batter and mix well.
    • Heat a non-stick pan, pour a ladle of batter and rotate clock-wise to make round dosas.
    • Turn over when the dosa is light brown color. Remove from the pan when done.
    • Repeat the process to make required amount of dosas.
    • Serve with coconut chutney or Sambhar

    Tuesday, August 16, 2011

    Beetroot Pachadi

    Beetroot Pachadi is so simple and ezee to make and it goes well with any kind of rice or biriyani's. My husband sometimes eats it as it is, he cannot resist and wait for the main food to be served. This recipe came my way from my brother who is a chef by profession and passion. Oh yea, he is an awesome cook and my husband prefers to go to India for vacation only when my brother is home on vacation as he can enjoy some of those awesome authentic restaurant type of food being cooked by my bro. After I came to US we used stay with my hubby's friend and family for a while where I saw Seema chechi also making it with a very slight variation. Thanks to my dear brother and Seema Chechi for adding this healthy dish to my daily menu list.

    1. Beetroot - 2 grated
    2. Green chilly- 5 (slit into halves)
    3. salt to taste
    4. Grated coconut - 1 cup
    5. mustard seeds - 1 tsp + 1 tsp
    6. yogurt - 1 cup
    7. Coconut oil - 2 tbsp
    8. urad daal - 1 tsp(optional)
    9. curry leaves few
    10. dry red chilly broken few
    11. Okra - 3 chopped into small round shapes(optional)
    Preparation Method:-
    • Cook the grated beetroot by adding green chilly and salt in medium flame. Don't need to add any water as beetroot oozes out moisture by its own.
    • When it is cooked switch off the flame
    • Grind the coconut and 1 tsp mustard into a smooth paste and add it to the cooked beetroot.
    • Now using a whisk beat the yogurt slowly just to remove the lumps if any. Add it to the beetroot and mix everything gently. Set aside.
    • For seasoning:- Heat a pan, add coconut oil, crackle the mustard seeds. Add urad daal, okra and stir till light brown and crispy.Add the curry leaves and split red chilly, give it a stir. Pour it over the Pachadi
    • Your pachadi is ready to serve. It tastes better after 3-4 hrs when the beetroot absorbs the sourness of the yogurt.
    The slight variation I mentioned is nothing but opting out the okra while you do the seasoning.

    Thursday, August 11, 2011

    Cucumber Pachadi-No cooking needed

    In Kerala 'Pachadi' means a side dish similar to Raita made with vegetable or fruit(not all the fruits) in ground  coconut and yogurt to make a thick consistency. Cucumber(Kakkiri/Kaakdi) Pachadi is such an ezee dish that can be served with Rice or Biriyani or instead of Raita and can be made in less than 15 mins. This recipe had been travelling with me from the time I was in Plus two(actually pre-degree). Thanks a ton to my friend Mridu's mom, she is an excellent cook and so is Mridu. Mridu used to stay close to our college and I remember having this first time at her home when myself and few friends(Pritz, Nikhi, Ras...) went to her home for lunch.  I really do not know if this is the exact way Mridu's mom made this but alI I knew is, it was made with uncooked cucumber and I started making it from then by following the normal rules of Pachadi. So Friend's I would again say this is my version of cucumber pachadi which is so ezee to make and I'm sure you guys are gonna love it :)

    1. Cucumber/Kakkiri/Kakdi - 2 med size(peeled and chopped into small cubes)
    2. Green chilly - 4(slit into halves)
    3. Ginger - a small piece(chopped finely)
    4. salt to taste
    5. Yogurt - 1 cup
    To Grind:-
    1. Grated Coconut - 1 cup
    2. Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
    For seasoning:-
    1. Coconut oil - 2 tbsp
    2. Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
    3. Whole dry red chilly - 3
    4. urad daal- 1 tsp
    5. curry leaes few
    Preparation Method:-
    • In a bowl add Cucumber, green chilly, ginger and salt. With clean hands mix everything together by mashing the veggies slightly.
    • Make a thick paste of coconut and mustard seeds without adding much water(add water little by little just to get it grind, maybe a tbsp at a time). Add it to the cucumber, stir to mix.
    • In another bowl whisk the yogurt with a spoon gently just to remove any lumps and add it to the cuucmber-coconut mix and stir well with a spoon. Adjust the salt to taste
    • Now the only part where you have to switch on your stove - Seasoning the dish and this is purely optional.
    • Heat a pan and pour coconut oil. Add mustard seeds, when the mustard seeds crackle add urad dal and give it a stir. Add curry leaves and red chillies and stir till dal turns becomes golden brown. Pour this over the pachadi.
    • Your Cucumber pachadi is ready to serve with Rice/Biriyani/Pulav or anything of your choice. Enjoy!!!!

    Wednesday, August 10, 2011

    Ithal Roti(orotti)/Atti Pathil

    Ithal Orotti is a malabar special breakfast/Snack item that is served with any kind of chicken/egg/veg curry or can be eaten as it is.The name of the dish almost conveys you the method of its preparation. Ithal means Petals/Layers and Orotti means Roti. So this is a layer/petals of rotis made with rice and coconut milk. This is such an easy dish to make, kids and grown ups will love it alike.

    1. Raw rice/Basmathi rice/Jeera rice - 2 cups
    2. Cooked par boiled rice - 1/2 cup
    3. coconut milk -  3/4 cup + 1/4 cup(if the milk is very thick you can dilute it by adding some water to make a medium thick coconut milk)
    4. salt to taste
    5. Ghee - 3 tbsp
    6. Cooking spray to greese the cooking plate
    Preparation Method:-
    • Soak the rice for 3-4hrs, wash and drain the rice.
    • Grind the soacked ice, parboiled rice, salt and coconut milk together, transfer to a bowl.
    • Spray a flat bottom pan with cooking spray or grease it with butter/oil and pour a big laddle of batter into it and steam it in a Idli cooker or any other steamer to set say 2-3 mins.
    • Take out the pan apply some ghee on top of the set roti and 1-2 tsp of coconut milk. Pour a laddle of batter and steam it agin for 2-3 mins or till it is set(the batter becomes dry and not run off the pan is the what i mean by set)
    • Repeat this pocess by ghee-coconut milk and batter till the pan is full. Once the pan is full, cook it covered for 5 mins till the Roti is fully done. 
    • Switch off the flame and let it cool. Turn over the Roti to a plate.
    • Cut and serve with any Chicken/Egg/Veg curry or serve it as it is.
    Note:- you can opt of ghee if you are on less fat/cholesterol free diet. Also you can use either of them ie coconut milk or ghee when you make the layers.

    Tuesday, August 9, 2011

    Butter Almond Cookie

    Cookies are kids all time favourite. My son often ask me 'Amma, what are you gonna make for me today??? Can you make me some cookies or may be some cupcakes Ammaaa '. And every time my answer is 'no dear'. As every mom I have been trying to build some healthy eating habits in my children. Trying to make them eat more veggies, fruits, dairy products, fish, eggs, less meat and carbohydrates so and so and so...

    But then sometimes I think, even we grown ups make reasons while eating some of the unhealthy food may be like cookies, cakes or any extra calorie food at home, work or at any party. Then why don't kids have some fun in eating those freshly baked yummy cookies rather than the store bought snacks. So when my son insisted I thought of baking some Almond cookies and the result came out be nice soft, cream colored yummy cookies. Friends, try to bake them at home and I'm sure you will stop picking cookies from the stores.
    Following is my version of Almond cookies which I have adapted from Pillsbury.


    All purpose flour - 1 1/2 cup
    Butter - 1/2 cup
    Baking soda - 1 tsp
    Salt - a pinch
    Sugar - 3/4 cup
    Egg - 1
    Almond extract -  1 tsp
    Almonds - 15(or as required for the number of cookies you are gonna bake)

    Preparation Method :-

    • Pre-heat the oven to 350 degree F.
    • Sift together flour, baking soda, salt. Set aside.
    • Line a cookie sheet with a parchment paper and set aside.
    • In a large bowl beat togther sugar and butter till soft peaks form. Add the egg and beat again till creamy.
    • Add almond extract and mix. Add the flour mixture and mix well till it becomes a smooth dough (either do it with your hand or use dough hooks once you add the flour mixture and beat in medium speed)
    • Refridgerate for atleast 2 hours
    • Take out from the fridge and make small balls by rolling them under your palm.
    • Gently press one almond each on each dough balls and place it on the lined cookie sheet 2 inches apart.
    • Bake till done for 12-15 mins or till they are crispy outside and soft inside. Let it cool
    • Cookie stays fresh for a week in an air tight container kept outside.(If and only if you kids let it stay that long :-) )