Thursday, June 28, 2012

Methi Murgh/Methi Chicken/Chicken with Fenugreek leaves

Methi leaves is one of his favorite, he had gown up eating them I guess. When I was in Mumbai after our marriage I was so amazed to see these fresh bunch of Methi leaves that was so abundantly available in the market. I do like Methi but mostly when combined with something else like I love Aloo Methi, like Methi Dal and this Methi Chicken is one of my favorite chicken dish. You don't feel the bitterness of Methi leaves here, instead this chicken dish have a nice flavor of Fresh methi leaves. This recipe is for all the Methi Leaves lovers like my hubby, Try them at home, Enjoy the meal :)

  1. Onion chopped fine - 2 Med(~ 1 ½ to 2 Cup)
  2. Tomatoes chopped fine - 2 small
  3. Ginger and Garlic finely chopped or crushed - 1tbsp each
  4. Green Chilies chopped - 3
  5. Turmeric powder ~ ½ tsp
  6. Chilly powder -   ½ tsp
  7. Cumin powder - 1 tsp
  8. Coriander powder - 1tsp
  9. Garam Masala - 1 tsp
  10. Jeera/Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
  11. Bay leaf - 1
  12. Cinnamon stick - 1
  13. Oil -2 tsp
  14. Methi leaves - a bunch(~ 2 cups after discarding the stems)
  15. Salt ~ ¾ tsp
To Marinate:-
  1. Chicken - 2lbs(~ 1 kg)(I used bone-in chicken pieces if using boneless chicken pls use thigh meat)
  2. Turmeric powder ~ ¾ tsp
  3. Chillly powder - 1tsp
  4. Garam Masala - 1tsp
  5. Yogurt/Curd - 2 tbsp
  6. Salt ~ ¾ tsp

Preparation Method:-
  • Wash and clean the chicken two-three times, drain water completely and keep aside.
  • In another big bowl add yogurt and make the marinade by adding all the ingredients of 'To marinate'. Marinate the chicken well with this marinade and set aside for at-least half an hour(or marinate and keep refrigerated overnight)
  • Mean while cut and discard the stem part of Fenugreek leaves bunch, pluck the leaves discarding the stalks. Soak the leaves in wide bowl of water for a minute, clean well to remove all the sand. Repeat the cleaning process again for one or two times.
  • Drain the water completely in a colander. Chop the leaves and set aside. 
  • Heat up a kadai or non-stick pan, add oil followed by Bay leaf and cinnamon stick. Saute for few seconds. 
  • Add Jeera/cumin seeds, when they sizzle add the onion and salt. Saute very well in medium heat till the onion turns golden brown(don't get it to dark brown).
  • Add the ginger-garlic paste and saute till raw smell goes off. Add turmeric powder, chilly powder, cumin powder and coriander powder, saute for a minute.
  • Add tomatoes, saute well till the tomatoes are mashed up. Add the methi leaves, saute well for four-five minutes till methi leaves becomes soft and is combined well with the tomato onion mix.
  • Add the marinated chicken and saute well to mix. Cover and cook in medium heat for 15-20 minutes or till chicken is almost cooked(not fully cooked).
  • Open the lid, add garam masala and chopped coriander leaves and stir well to mix. Cover and cook again for ten minutes or till chicken is cooked fully.
  • Take off the stove and garnish with more chopped coriander leaves. Serve warm with Roti/Naan/Rice.

Note: -If you like more gravy, add a cup or more water after you add chicken to the methi masala ie before you cover and cook the chicken.

Sending this to The Master Chef Contest

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Broccoli Kuzhi Paniyaram ~ Guilt Free One's

 Kuzhi Paniyaram, another tongue tickling snack devoured by kids and grown ups equally. These are delicious Rice and Urad dal dumplings shallow fried and served with Tomato Chutney, Sambhar, Ketchup or Coconut chutney. Its Originally from Tamil Nadu I believe, when I made this Chellamani Snack first time, recipe found in eVanitha I think, I didn't knew it is just a simple Paniyaram. I tried different variation with the same recipe as I always have some Idly batter in the fridge and I make snack almost everyday for the little one's. Later I noticed many of my fellow bloggers posting the same kind of snack named Paniyarams and then I realized its original name is not Chellamani but kuzhi paniyaram as its made in Paniyaram pan or Unniyappan pan. I made this Paniyaram with broccoli florets this time and I used a drop of oil in each holes, that too only for the first batch. Make this absolute guilt free snack if you have some leftover Idli/dosa batter with any veggies of your choice or just with simple onion seasoning and serve dunk in Tomato Chutney or Sambhar.

** You will need a Kuzhi Paniyaram skillet or Unniyappan Skillet to make this.

Ingredients: -

  • Leftover Dosa/Idli Batter ~ 2 Cups
  • Shallots or onion chopped fine -  ½ cup( 1 onion or 3 shallots)
  • Ginger chopped fine - a small piece
  • Green chilies chopped fine - 3(or use  ½ tsp chili powder) 
  • Curry leaves few
  • Mustard Seeds - 1tsp
  • Urad Dal - 1 tsp(optional)
  • Broccoli florets chopped ~ 1 Cup
  • Salt ~  ¾ tsp(to taste)
  • Oil - 2 tbsp for tempering + few drops or cooking spray to shallow fry the paniyaram. 
Preparation Method: -
  1. Chop the broccoli florets taking only the flower parts and discarding the hard stalk. Wash them well, pat dry and reserve
  2. Heat up a pan, pour oil add mustard seeds. When they splutter add urad dal, curry leaves and saute for  a min till urad dal turn to light brown color. 
  3. Add in the chopped onion, ginger, green chilies, salt and saute well till the onion turns soft and pink. 
  4. Add in the broccoli florets, stir fry for couple minutes say five-seven minutes till they become soft. Check for salt and take off the stove, set aside to cool down for about five minutes.
  5. Add this broccoli mix to the Idly batter and stir well to mix. Add water to loose up if its too dry and thick.
  6. Heat up the Unniyappan/Paniyaram Skillet, maintain the heat in between low-med as its gonna be a slow cooking process. 
  7. Pour one or two drops of oil in each hole of the skillet(or use cooking spray), pour a tbsp of batter in each hole. Cover and cook for three-four minutes till the top of the dumpling dries up and bottom of the dumpling turn golden brown. 

8. Turn upside down and let it again cook for couple of minutes without the lid till the other side turns also turn golden brown. Take paniayarams out of the pan and repeat the process with the remaining batter. You don't need to add oil when you make next batch of paniyarams.

 9.  Serve immediately with Tomato Chutney, Sambhar or Ketchup. 

1. If you are using very loose dosa batter, add some rice flour or soak and grind 1 cup of rice with a little buttermilkto thicken up.
2. If you don't have dosa/Idly batter and want to make paniyarams, soak 1 cup of rice with  ¼ cup urad dal for 4 to 6hrs and grind and use it.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Blueberry Banana Smoothie

Another simple but luscious Smoothie to beat the high heat, Blueberry Banana Smoothie. I love the color of the blueberry when blended with milk, ohh dear its just gorgeous. Its pricking hot outside, the temperature is unbearable, it went above 90 Degree F yesterday and today its suppose to hit 100 Degrees. The saddest part is kids don't get to play outside in the much awaited summer, I take them out in the mall play area and YMCA play area during day time. We let them play outside after 7:00 in the evening even though the humidity remains high till late night, but they're happy as they get to play real sweaty till 9:00 late night as the sunlight stay longer in summer days. I always keep fruits handy so that I can blend them to juices and smoothies when they get back from outside, store bought juice cans are rare sight at our home.
So friends, stay safe in summer as the blistering heat waves are suppose to be deadly, keep yourself and family hydrated with plenty of water, fruits, juices etc. And next time you hit the supermarket, grab a bag of blueberry and make this Smoothie at home. Enjoy Summer, stay safe and healthy :-)

Ingredients Used:-
  1. Chiquita Banana - 1
  2. Blueberry - 1 cup
  3. Milk- 1 Cup
  4. Water ~ ½ cup
  5. Non-fat yogurt -   ½ cup
  6. Ice cubes few 

Preparation Method:-
  • Pour some water in a bowl, drop the blueberries and leave it for two-three minutes. Wash them well, repeat the process for two-three times.
  • In a juice blender, throw in the blueberries, roughly chopped bananas(just break them into two-three pieces), milk and Ice cubes. Blend them well for couple of minutes.
  • Add water and yogurt blend again for another minute. Pour into tall glasses and serve immediately.
Note:- I have not added any sugar, the sweetness of banana and blueberries was just enough for us, even kids didn't demand for adding sugar. If you want it more sweet please go ahead and add some sugar as well, Enjoy the smoothie :-)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Lauki Dal Curry/Bottle Gourd Toor Lentil Curry

Today's recipe is a simple Dal Curry with Lauki/Bottle Guard veggie. I incorporate a lot of veggies with Dal, Lauki is no exception. Many of my friends say Lauki is a veggie without any taste may be because of its high water content, so they try to stay away from it. But I add them to Sambhar, Dals, Sabzi and I even tried Lauki Kheer. This veggie when paired with some simple ingredients can give you an amazing taste. Now here's the recipe for an awesome and nutritious Lauki Dal, definitely try them at home for a delicious meal :-) 

Ingredients Used:-
  1. Lauki/Bottlegourd/ Dhoodhi - 1 Medium size
  2. Toor Dal - ¾ cup
  3. Turmeric powder - ¾ tsp
  4. Chilly powder - 1 tsp
  5. Salt ~ 1 tsp(Check and adjust)
  6. Onion sliced finely - 1 Medium size 
  7. Tomato sliced finely - 1
  8. Green chilies split into halves - 4
  9. Curry leaves few
  10. Coriander leaves chopped - 2 tbsp(optional)
  11. Water as required ~ 3 cups
For Tempering:-
  1. Oil ~ 2 tsp
  2. Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
  3. Jeera/Cumin - ¾ tsp
  4. Dry red chilies - 4
  5. Onion/Shallots chopped ~ 2 tbsp
  6. Curry leaves few
Preparation Method:-
  • Peel and cut the Lauki into two halves. Scrape out the middle portion. Wash well and chop them into small cubes.
  • Wash the toor dal two-three times drop them in the pressure cooker. Add the chopped lauki to the cooker aswell.
  • Add turmeric powder, chilly powder, salt and few curry leaves. Close the cooker lid and pressure cook. When the first whistle is released simmer the gas stove to low-med and let it pressure cook for another three-four whistles. Switch off the fame and let it coo down completely.
  • Open the cooker lid, stir the veggies and dal with a laddle, add the sliced onions, tomatoes and green chilies and let it boil for five-seven minutes till tomatoes and onions becomes soft. Check for the salt and adjust. Remove from the stove.
  • Heat up a small pan for tempering. Pour oil, add the mustard, when the mustard start to crackle add cumin followed by chopped onions, curry leaves and red chilies. Saute well till onions turns brown(don't make them very dark brown)
  • Pour them over the cooked Dal. Add some chopped coriander leaves if desired. Serve warm with rice/roti....

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Chocolate Picnic Cake

This is a Hershey's recipe which I jotted down sometime back and make it often since this is a simple and ezee to make chocolate cake. I made this on my hubby's birthday three months back as well, with a very simple chocolate frosting but didn't get a chance to click pictures. Made this yummy Dark Chocolate picnic cake again on this Father's day, I know there are many sweets/desserts that can be made on this particular day but whenever I plan to do something on my hubby's birthday or special occasions my son comes up with his idea and say 'Amma, how about a chocolate cake?? Acha will love it ".  So again I baked this cake, dad and son's favorite being chocolate I went again for a chocolate cake.

My husband had already booked tickets for an Air Show held here in Baltimore by US Air Force team Blue Angles, but it was nothing planned or related to Father's day. It was more like a picnic fun, we carried some food and stuffs, laid a blanket under the tree, sat there and watched the Air Show, it was really a different experience, kids - especially our son enjoyed it a lot. We took this 'Picnic Cake' along with us for the Air Show, kids and my husband really loved it. Then I understood why this is called a 'Picnic cake', this is one of the best cakes than can travel with you for picnics, potluck parties and all the fun activities. A very light, moist chocolate cake that can be served as it is, or frost with any choco or whip cream frosting to make it a Birthday cake or serve it as a dessert with a generous gallop of vanilla Ice-Cream. Make this at home today and Enjoy Ezee baking :-)

Ingredients Used :-
  1. All purpose Flour/Maida - 2 Cups
  2. Baking Soda - 2 tsp
  3. Salt a pinch
  4. Sugar - 1 Cup
  5. Boiling Water - 1 cup
  6. Butter - ¼ cup
  7. Semi Sweet  Chocolate chips - 1 Cup
  8. Sour Cream -  ½ cup
  9. Eggs - 2 
  10. Vanilla extract - 1 tsp

Preparation Method:-
  • Pre-heat the oven to 350 Degree F.  Grease a baking pan and set aside.
  • Sift together flour, baking soda, salt and set aside.
  • Put Chocolate chips and butter in a large wide bowl, pour the boiling water on top little by little stirring continuously with a wire whisk till the chocolate chips and butter is fully melted. Set aside to cool.
  • Put the sour cream in another bowl, stir with a spoon or whisk to remove the lumps if any.
  • Now add the eggs, sour cream, vanilla extract and sugar to the chocolate mix and use a whisk to mix them thoroughly. You can use a hand mixer or electric mixture to do the process as well.
  • Add the sifted flour mix, little by little to the wet mix, stirring them continuously until everything is blended well.
  • Pour to the prepared baking pan(batter should be half the pan, don't pour pan-full of batter) and bake for 30 -40 minutes or until a cake tester inserted comes out clean.

Linking this to Swathi's Favorite Cake Recipes Event, Sara's Event Cooking with Love Series hosted at TorviewtorontoRadhika's I Love Baking #5 and Let's Cook #16 ~ Kids Special

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Strawberry Milk Shake

Today's recipe is simple, but utterly delicious Strawberry Milk Shake. My kids love this so much that I'm pushed to make it often, would rather say I make it whenever I've some strawberries. These are instant energy boosters and perfect summer drink for kids as well as for grown ups. You can make smoothie with just milk, strawberries and some sugar or you can go for more luscious and filling one's like this Strawberry Milk Shake. I keep the milk in freezer for sometime to crystallize the milk(don't make it Ice) though its purely optional. Make this today and relish them this summer :)

  1. Strawberries ~ 10 to 12 nos
  2. Chilled Milk ~ 1 Cup(Kept in freezer for 30- 45 mins to get crystallized milk but not fully iced - optional) 
  3. Water ~ ½ cup
  4. Sugar ~ ½ cup
  5. Vanilla Ice cream - 2 to 3 Scoops(optional, I added them)
Preparation Method:-
  • Wash and hull the strawberries and pat dry. 
  • Blend strawberries together with milk, water and sugar till Strawberries are fully blended. 
  • Add Vanilla Ice-Cream and blend again. Pour to tall individual glasses and serve immediately.

Sending this to Divya's Fun In The Sun and Let's Cook # 16 ~ Kids Special

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Achinga Payar Thoran - Long Yard Beans Stir Fry

  1. Achinga Payar/Yard Long Beans - 1 Bunch(~ 1 lb/oru kettu)
  2. Onion - 1
  3. Green Chilies - 4
  4. Salt ~ 3/4 tsp(to taste)
  5. Turmeric powder ~ 3/4 tsp
  6. Grated Coconut ~ 3tbsp
  7. Coconut Oil - 2 tsp
  8. Mustard seeds - 1tsp
  9. Dry Red chilies - 3
  10. Curry leaves few
Preparation Method:-
  • Wash and pat dry the beans, chop them fine, add salt, turmeric powder, chopped onion, green chilies and mix well with clean hands or spoon.
  • Heat up a kadai/pan, pour coconut oil, add mustard and let it crackle. Add curry leaves, red chilies and the yard beans mix. 
  • Saute it well for two-three minutes, simmer the flame to medium heat and let it cook till done or till raw smell of beans vanishes.
  • Add grated coconut, few more curry leaves and saute well again. Take off the stove and drizzle a spoon of coconut oil if desired(It adds taste). Serve with boiled Rice and Moru Curry.

Linking this to The Kerala Kitchen hosted at Erivum Puliyum

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Malabar Style Prawns Biriyani ~ Malabar Chemmeen Biriyani

Summer Time!!!! Kids are having Summer vacation and I'm having hard time running behind them :-) I've let my son play and have fun this summer without putting him for any summer camps and study classes. These days he comes to me saying 'Amma enikku pa(di)kkanam' meaning Amma I want to study. He is learning to write Malayalam little by little these days though he makes a lot of mistakes, I love the excitement in his face, joy in his eyes and the 'hurray' scream when he get the letters right. His little sister is really happy to have her 'Ettan'(big Bro) around whole day to play, fight, act and have fun. I'm sometimes amazed to watch the little one learning things so fast from her big bro.

Though kids love to enjoy summer outside, the sun is so very hot here which don't let us stay out for long at daytime. We wait till eve to go out for any outdoor activities. To keep kids engaged in some physical activities we took membership in YMCA, elder one is enrolled for swimming classes while my little one get to play in the play area for more than an hour. As usual I'm doing my Chauffeur job taking them in and out everywhere :-)  We took a beak from all these and had a nice weekend last week in Edison, NJ with my little sister and BIL. It was fun, especially for kids, they were well pampered by Elemma/Chachi and Elayachan/Chachu. It was totally an unplanned trip just for two days but it ended up being so good, relaxed a bit, went for a small beach trip, ate out, watched a reasonably good action movie 'Singham' online and reached back home by yesterday evening. 

I feel terribly bad sing my empty space without much posts these days, I'm getting hardly anytime to reach out to my fellow blogger's space as well. I know many of my blogger friends have passed on many awards to me as well, thanks dear friends, I will definitely try to post them asap. Today's recipe is yet another Malabar delicacy, the delicious Malabar Chemmeen/Prawns biriyani. As I have mentioned before, we prefer fish over meat, seafood like Prawns and Crab being the favorite. When ever we have unexpected or sudden guest I make this Prawns Biriyani or my Prawns Masala or this Prawns Roast as I know, no matter what Prawns will never go wrong in the making even if I'm in hurry. Prawns are really a great rescuer as they get cooked so fast and tastes just fantastic. I use homemade Garam Masala which my MIL made, which do not have fennel seeds. So I add some crushed fennel seeds and this fennel powder add an extra aroma for the prawns. So here comes the Malabar Chemmeen(Prawn/Shrimp) Biriyani, do definitely give it a try and Enjoy this Malabar delicacy :-)


To Marinate Prawns:-
  1. Big Prawns(or Shrimp) - 1lbs( ~ 500 gms)
  2. Turmeric powder ~ ¾ tsp
  3. Chilly powder - 1 tsp
  4. Pepper powder ~  ½ tsp
  5. Salt to taste (~ ¾ tsp)
For shrimp Masala:-
  1. Onion Very Finely Sliced - 4 Med(~ 3½ cups)
  2. Tomato - 2 Big(~ 2 Cups)
  3. Ginger - Garlic paste, crushed or finely chopped ~ 2 tbsp each
  4. Green Chilies crushed or finely chopped - 5
  5. Turmeric powder -  ½ tsp
  6. Fennel seeds crushed and coarse ground to powder ~ ¾ tsp
  7. Garam Masala - 1 ½ tsp
  8. Fresh Lime Juice ~ 1 tbsp
  9. Curry leaves a sprig or more
  10. Chopped coriander leaves/Cilantro ~ ¼ cups
  11. Chopped mint leaves ~ 2 tbsp 
  12. Oil ~ 1 tbsp + 1 tbsp(to shallow fry + to saute and make Shrimp Masala)
  13. Salt to taste
For Ghee Rice/Flavorful Rice:-
  • Basmathi Rice/Jeera Rice - 3 Cups
  • Water - 5 Cups
  • 1 inch Cinnamon Sticks - 2 nos
  • Cardamom pods - 4
  • Cloves - 6
  • Salt to taste (~ 1tbsp)
  • Ghee ~ 2 tbsp + 1 tbsp(for layering and doing dum)
  • Oil ~ 1 tbsp
  • Garam Masala ~  ½ tsp(used while layering the rice)
  • Curry leaves a sprig
  • Onion very thinly sliced - 1 
  • Cashews few (optional)
  • Raisins few (optional)
  • Chopped coriander leaves ~ 1 tbsp

Preparation Method:-

Making shrimp Masala:
  • Peel and devein the prawns. Wash it well two-three times and drain completely. 
  • Marinate prawns with 'To Marinate' ingredients ie Turmeric, Chilly powder, Pepper powder, Salt and set aside for at-least 30 minutes(or more if possible) 
  • Heat up a non-stick pan or kadai, pour 1 tbsp oil, spread the prawns. Reduce the heat to medium and shallow fry the prawns slightly on both sides for around five-seven minutes. Take them out and keep aside.
  • Add 1 more tbsp of oil to the same pan(in which you shallow fried prawns), add onions, ginger-garlic paste, green chilies, few curry leaves, salt and saute for a while till onion turn light brown.
  • Add the chopped tomatoes and saute well till tomatoes are soft and mashed up to release the juices. 
  • Add mint leaves, chopped cilantro and saute. Add turmeric powder, 1 tsp garam masala and saute well to mix.
  • Add the shallow fried prawns (I kept couple of them to garnish) and saute well to mix with the gravy. Cover with a lid and let it cook for few minutes around five-seven minutes in medium heat.
  • Add fresh lime juice and saute to mix. Add remaining ½ tsp garam masala, fennel powder and saute well to mix everything. Take off the stove and set aside till Ghee rice is ready.
Preparing Ghee Rice/Flavored Rice:-
  • Pour 5 cups of water in a wide vessel and bring it to boil.
  • Mean while wash the rice two-three times till you get clear water, drain completely and keep aside.
  • Heat up a wide thick bottom pan, add 1 tbsp ghee, add cashews saute till light brown, take them out and keep aside. Add raisins, saute till they pop up, take them out and set aside.
  • Add remaining 1 tbsp ghee along with 1 tbsp oil, add cinnamon sticks, cardamom and cloves and saute till you get a nice aroma. Add sliced onions and saute till translucent. 
  • Add rice and saute for couple of minutes till rice absorbs the aroma of spices say for about five-seven  minutes. Pour the boiling water to the rice, add salt, curry leaves and bring it to boil. With a spatula give it a gentle stir till the bottom of the pan to make sure rice don't stick to the bottom.
  • Simmer the heat to medium, cover with a tight lid and let it cook till the rice is almost cooked and the water is fully absorbed. Switch off the stove and let it sit without any stir for a while till the high steam in the rice reduces.
  • Stir the rice gently and move to two-three platters to make sure rice is not sticky and remain as individual grains. Proceed for layering and Dum process.
Layering and doing Dum:-

On Stove Top:-
  • Place a thick bottom vessel on the stove, drizzle ½ tbsp of ghee in the bottom of the pan, spread half the rice, sprinkle a generous pinch(¼ tsp) of Garam masala all over the rice, followed by Shrimp masala, raisins, cashews and ½ tbsp coriander leaves.
  • Spread the next layer of rice, sprinkle the remaining Garam masala(¼ tsp) all over the rice followed by cashews, raisins,  ½ tbsp coriander leaves and remaining ghee. 
  • Cover the vessel air-tight with a clean kitchen towel or silver foil, put on the lid tight to infuse the full flavor and cook it in low-medium heat for approx 20-30 minutes or till you see steam releasing from the sides of the vessel. Take off the stove and let it sit undisturbed for 10-15 minutes.
  • Now with a sauce pan(or spatula), gently stir the entire dish to mix rice and Chemmeen/Prawns masala. 
  • Scrape out a saucepan full of Shrimp Biriyani and move to the serving dish. Garnish with the set aside shallow fried Prawns and nuts. Serve warm with Onion Raita, Biriyani Chammanthi, Pickles and Pappads.

Sending this to The Kerala Kitchen Event hosted at Erivum Puliyum and linking it to EP Series ~ Basil and Cardamom started by Julie

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Turkey Kheema

Kheema is one of our favorite side dish among Non-Veg, Mutton/Goat Kheema being the favorite. Since Mutton/Goat has a lot of fat content I try to make Kheema with Lean Ground Turkey or Soy Granules Kheema. This ground Turkey Kheema is perfect for people who always look out for less fat and cholesterol recipe as the Turkey used here is lean meat which do not have much cholesterol and fat content.. Don't you think lean ground Turkey is a healthy choice over mutton(goat) which has a lot of fat content??? This way you definitely can substitute your diet with healthy non-veg food option without compromising on taste. Next time you find some Lean Ground turkey grab them and try out this recipe. I'm sure you'll make it more often. Enjoy with Roti/Naan/Rice or even Khichdi.We just  love them :-)

  1. Lean Ground Turkey - 1lbs(~ 500gms)
  2. Onion finely chopped - 2 Med Size
  3. Jeera/Cumin - 1 tsp
  4. Olive Oil/Veg Oil ~ 2 tsp
  5. Fresh Ginger-Garlic paste or Ginger-Garlic crushed ~ 1 tbsp
  6. Finely chopped Green Chilies ~ 1 tbsp( 3 to 4)
  7. Tomatoes - 1 Med Size (optional - I add them)
  8. Turmeric powder ~ ¾ tsp 
  9. Chilly powder - 1tsp
  10. Coriander powder - 1tsp
  11. Garam Masala - 1½ to 2 tsp  
  12. Salt ~ 1 tsp(check and adjust)
  13. Curry leaves a sprig
  14. Chopped Coriander leaves ~ 3 tbsp
  15. Fresh Lime Juice ~ 1tsp
Preparation Method:-
  • In a wide bowl pour water, add ground turkey and gently wash them one or two times. Strain using a colander or muslin cloth or by grabbing with your hands. Set aside to drain off completely. (pls read the note)
  • Heat up a pan or kadai, pour oil, add Jeera/Cumin and let it crackle. Reduce the heat to medium.
  • Add ginger-garlic paste and saute till raw flavor vanishes just for a minute or two(should not brown ginger-garlic). 
  • Add onion, green chilies, few curry leaves, salt and saute well till onion turns light brown.
  • Add tomatoes and saute till tomato start to break and start to leave the juice. Sprinkle 1 tbsp coriander leaves and saute again for a minute.
  • Add the spice powders, turmeric first, chilly powder, coriander powder and saute well to mix with onion-tomato mix.
  • Add the ground turkey and saute well for two-three minutes in high heat. Add 1tsp garam masala powder and saute again for one or two minutes to mix everything. 
  • Simmer the heat again to low-medium, cover and cook for another ten minutes.(Dont add any water, Turkey meat will cook in its own water)
  • Open the lid and stir well and check for the salt and spice. Sprinkle remaining  ½ tsp garam masala and coriander leaves and saute again for another two-three minutes. If you want it dry saute till all the water is absorbed(I don't make it very dry as my husband like it a bit juicy)
  • Switch off the stove and sprinkle more curry leaves. Move to a serving dish. Sprinkle a dash of lime juice when ready to serve. Enjoy with Rice/Roti/Naan

Important Note: Washing meat and poultry is not recommended by USDA, as they can spread bacteria in the raw meat to other foods, utensils and surfaces. But I do wash every meat in and out, which has been a practice and a kind of mind set which makes me feel the meat is clean. I definitely clean the work area and surfaces very well after washing any meat. If you have the practice of using ground turkey and other meats unwashed, opt the 1st step of washing and draining the ground meat :-)